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    The Ashes That Remain – (Chapter: Chapter Three)


    “Don’t worry about it,” I tried to ease her nerves, before I saw Glen come around the corner. I felt his eyes fall on me before I balled up my fists and dared him to keep looking. Yeah, I’ve never seen someone change directions so fast in my life. I watched him go around the corner before I heard him mumble something about me under his breath.

    Getting pissed, I bunched up my fists ready to chase after his ass.

    “Don’t,” I felt Spencer grab my arm as if she knew exactly what I was thinking.

    “Come on Ash, lets just go home,” she’s so lucky that I find her adorable.

    “Fine,” I caved. “Lets go home.”


    Give me something break

    give something to break

    just give something to break

    How bout your fucking face

    I hope you know I pack a chain saw

    A chain saw

    A mother fucking saw

    So come and get it


    It’s all about the he said she said bull shit

    I think you better quit letting shit slip

    Or you’ll be leaving with a fat lip

    It’s all about the he said she said bull shit

    I think you better talking that shit so come and get it

    Tonight, I could hear Alex screaming behind the door. When I got to her door, I rammed my shoulder against it, but her screams kept getting louder like the flames had surrounded her. I could almost feel the flames licking at my bones each time my shoulder came in contact with the door. It would burn down, but not in time for her to escape.

    “Hold on Alex. I’m coming Al. I’m coming,” I screamed to the girl uselessly throwing myself against the door. Each time, the flames grew higher and higher, the smoke filled up my eyes, my throat, every single part of me was being suffocated in it.

    “Ashley, Ashley a beam fell in front of the door. Ashley I can’t get out!” I heard her panicking.

    “No, I coming Alex. I swear I won‘t let you down. I promise. I promise.” I yelled back as I drove my shoulder into the door time aftr time after time. “I’m promise, I promise I promise.”


    “I promise,” I shot up instantly grabbing my shoulder to find that the throbbing sensation had gone away. Looking up, I saw Spencer standing there like always, ready to creep in next to me. Scooting over to make room for the girl, I tried to forget about he dream again.

    I must have been screaming unusually loud that night, because when Spencer crawled in next to me I could feel her eyes on me quizzically.

    “Ashley can I ask you something?” she asked careful to watch what she said.

    “Sure,” I whispered. She was the only person I’d really talked to since I got here. She was the only one besides Mr. C that I really even trusted.

    “Who’s Alex?” she asked confused.

    “Um,” I didn’t know what to say. It was one of those things that hurt just to think about. Oh god Alex. “She’s just someone I used to know.”

    “Is she the reason you wake up screaming?” she asked laying on her side facing me looking so damn adorable.

    “Something like that,” I could almost feel tears well up in my eyes. I could handle all the shit people threw at me, but not this, not her. Anything but her.

    “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to…” she apologized.

    “It’s fine,” I wiped my eyes off quickly trying to erase the thought. “It’s fine.” And even though I kept telling her it was fine, I couldn’t stop the tears from falling down. Turning around so my back was facing her, I tried to cover it up. But I could tell she knew from my shaking body.

    “Ash,” she whispered soothingly rubbing circles on my back. “I’m so sorry.”

    “It’s, it’s fine,” I tried to control my shaky voice only to fail miserably. I could almost feel her sitting there unsure of what to do before I felt her wrapping two arms around my abdomen and pulling me into her warm embrace. “Is this ok?” she whispered after a moment, her breath running against my neck sending shivers down my spine. No ones been able to do that to me since…

    “Yeah,” I breathed out finally getting control of the sobs. “That’s great,” I relaxed into her touch.

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    1. I love this story so make me happy and update soon lol. Real soon please. BTW i love how Ashley is slowly accepting Spencer. Spencer is too cute and nice. okay now i done!!!! UPDATE

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