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    The Ashes That Remain – (Chapter: Chapter two: A Past That Burns)

    But after Glen asked about my past, I couldn’t help but wonder how many others would. Sometimes it’s hard to hide a past that’s even burned into your dreams.

    “Run Ashley,” Max yelled grabbing his bike and trying to escape the sirens. Running to the fence, I leaped it, and kept running through neighbors yards, the red and blue lights flashing behind me.

    “Max!” I tried to figure out where the boy had went. “Max,” I watched the night air fly by me as I went from backyard to backyard. Shit, if we got caught this time, I was going to have to go back to Juvie again. “Max.”

    “Ashley,” I saw someone riding on the sidewalk in front of the house. “Hop on.” Cutting through the rest of the lawn, I hoped on the boys bike before we pedaled away from the incriminating scene. As we drove away, I couldn’t help but smirk to myself. That’ll be the last time she ever fucks with me…


    Let’s go

    With bloodshot eyes I watch you sleeping

    The warmth I feel besides me is slowly fading

    Would she hear me if I called her name

    Would she hold me if she knew my shame

    There’s always something going wrong

    The path I walks in the wrong direction

    There’s always someone fucking hanging on

    Will someone help me please please please

    Spencer ended up being my tour guide around the city. I couldn’t help but smile at this. It was one of the few smiles I’ve had lately. She seemed different from everybody else in a way.

    “So uh,” she started as we walked on the beach. “You going to tell me what you were screaming about last night?” She almost seemed nervous about asking after breakfast. But I wouldn’t say anything like that to her. Na, she was too innocent to even mess with. She’s the kind of person that you have to be truly evil to hurt.

    “Nothing,” I sighed stuffing my hands in my pockets. She would never understand Hell, no one would understand. It’s my past. Something I’ll have to live with everyday of my life. Sometimes I wonder what my life would be like if it had never happened, if we had switched places. She would have been better off…

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    1. i wanna know what she did now…i love that she kinda sorta trusts her, I like how they have their secrets of comfort. I really like this story its all kinda of angsty and what not, its exciting lol

    2. I really love this one too! I’m glad that Spencer can give Ashley comfort. I can’t wait to find out what happened in Ashley’s past. Awesome update. PMASAP!!!!

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