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    The Ashes That Remain – (Chapter: There's No Such Thing As A Fresh Start)

    “Well, we’re here,” the car stopped outside of a typical suburban house, making me wonder what this guy saw in me to take me in. “Let me help you with your bags,” Arthur smiled at me before picking up my duffle bag and leaving me to follow behind him.

    “Glen, Clay, Spencer,” he called out when we got inside.

    “Yeah dad,” a black teenager shuffled into the room leaving me slightly confused.

    “Where’s Glen?”

    “He went to basketball practice. He’ll be back in an hour.”

    “Well, where’s your sister?” he asked looking tired.

    “Right here,” I looked up to find a beautiful blond haired beauty coming down the stairs. I made sure to not to drool.  If I wasn’t trying to stay out of trouble, I’d be all over that. Smirking to myself, couldn’t help but wonder how much fun it would be to corrupt this innocent looking girl.

    “Ok, Ashley this is Spencer and Clay,” Arthur told me. “I’m sure you’re tired, so I’ll let you get situated before we go over the ground rules. You’ll be sleeping in Spencer’s room.”

    I just shook my head in response before throwing my bag over my shoulder and following the blond up the stairs.

    Wear your heart on your sleeve

    Make things hart to believe

    I’m not feeling this situation

    Run away try to find that safe place you can hide

    It’s the best place to be when you’re feeling like

    Me, me yeah, yeah all these things I hate revolve around

    Me, me, yeah, yeah just back off before I snap and you’ll see

    Me, me yeah, yeah all these things I hate revolve around

    Me, me, yeah, yeah just back off before I snap

    “So this is my room,” the blond stated awkwardly.

    “Sweet,” was all I said before letting my bag fall to the floor and laying on the bottom bunk.

    “Well if you need anything I’ll be downstairs.”

    “K,” I replied uninterested. I watched as she turned away giving me a nice view of her ass. I’m perverted, but it came with the label I had been thrown under. I might as well live up to its standards since I can’t seem to live up to any others.

    Looking around, I couldn’t help but wonder how innocent this girl was. Her room just screamed goody two shoes. From the purple colored walls, to the frilly comforter on her bed, I almost felt bad for her. How sheltered was she?

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    1. Bullet for my Valentine All the things I hate. I love that song it fit really well with this chapter. I can tell it’s going to be great so I hope you post soon and love the music…lol

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