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    The Ashes That Remain – (Chapter: There's No Such Thing As A Fresh Start)

    Deciding it was a stupid to think about something so pointless, I laid down on the bed with my ipod in my hand, and let myself slip into a reality where I at least had a chance at being different.


    Smoke was filling my mouth. I could feel my lungs fill up with the hot air and choke. Coughing, I looked around to find where the smoke was coming from.

    It was the same old dream I’ve had a million times. I was in the burning building. Fire was everywhere. Everything burned with flames of orange and red. I could hear people screaming out in fear, pain. Or maybe it was me who was screaming. I never could ever really tell. The fire spread up the wall, leaving nothing but ash in its wake. I’d be trying to escape right now if I wasn’t on a mission, the same mission I was always on.

    Running through the house, I was careful to dodge the falling beams a I went down the hallway.

    “Alex,” I screamed knowing it was no use, but I wouldn’t give up. I couldn’t.

    “Alex!” The only reply was of floorboards giving in and more smoke entering my lungs.

    “Alex,” I cried helplessly falling against the wall. “Alex.”

    “Ashely, Ashley,” someone screamed my name over and over again.

    “Alex,” I shot up.

    “It’s Spencer,” the girl looked at me worried. Looking around, I realized the scenery had changed, and the dream was over. Once again, I had failed her.

    “Oh,” was all I could say as I wiped sweat away from my forehead.

    “Are you ok?”

    “I’m fine,” I tried to shrug her off. Chances were real good that this wouldn’t be the first time I would wake the sleeping beauty. God, she looked so cute in her pajama pants and wife beater though.

    “Are you sure?” she asked sounding genuinely worried kind of catching me off guard. No one should give a damn about me. No one.

    “Yeah,” I sighed never being able to shake off how real the dream always feels. “I’m fine.”

    Torn apart at the seams of my dreams turn to tears

    I’m not feeling this situation

    Run away try to find that safe place you can hide

    It’s the best place to be when you’re feeling like

    It’s the best place to be when you’re

    Me, me yeah, yeah all these things I hate revolve around

    Me, me, yeah, yeah just back off before I snap and you’ll see

    Me, me yeah, yeah all these things I hate revolve around

    Me, me, yeah, yeah just back off before I snap

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    1. Bullet for my Valentine All the things I hate. I love that song it fit really well with this chapter. I can tell it’s going to be great so I hope you post soon and love the music…lol

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