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    The Assistant – (Chapter: 3)

    Suddenly, Spencer realized what this was.  Ashley had cooked her breakfast to help win her trust. She was afraid Spencer might tell someone about last night, or the many other nights.  The tabloids asked, even offered her thousands, for a revealing photo or an anonymous interview for an exposé.  But Spencer had never even considered it, no matter how desperately she needed the money.  She would never betray Ashley and never had.  But even after two years it was apparent Ashley still didn’t trust her.

    “I wouldn’t betray you,” Spencer barely whispered, disappointed that Ashley had cooked the meal more as a bribe than out of any kindness towards her.

    “Spencer, I know I’ve been able to trust you in the past,” Ashley said, her eyes softening, “But with my new album coming out, the media are going to extreme measures to get dirt on me.  I don’t want anything else coming out that shouldn’t be.  So, if someone approaches you–”

    “Miss Davies,” Spencer said more forcefully, now angry at herself for even thinking someone would cook her breakfast for any other motive than that they wanted something from her.  “I would never say anything to anyone.”

     “I believe you, Spencer,” Ashley said, turning to stare and poke at her food again.

     “I think I better get going,” Spencer said, getting up and grabbing her purse.

    “Are you sure?  You haven’t even –“

    “No, I should go.” Spencer insisted, already halfway to the door.

    “Okay… “Ashley hesitated before getting up and walking Spencer out. “If you have to go, I understand.”

    Just as they reached the door, Spencer remembered something.

    “Wait,” she said digging into her purse.  She pulled out yet another saran-wrapped brownie. “Last one.”

    She handed it to Ashley.  It was the first time she’d ever given one to Ashley face-to-face.  After months of seeing Spencer drop them off to Johnny and George, Ashley had drunkenly asked for one, one night.  Since then Spencer would leave one, or more often a small bag of brownies, in the penthouse kitchen after dropping Ashley off.  Ashley had never mentioned them, but she’d also never complained about Spencer leaving them either.

    “Thanks,” Ashley smiled. “I really love these brownies.”

    When Spencer arrived home, she walked in to find Sammy and Glen sitting on the couch playing Mario Kart.

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    1. OK, hating Carmen right now. Bitch! Ashley’s being an ass too. Someone needs to start taking care of Spencer and it has to be Ash. PMS!!

    2. but didn’t ashley’s mom fuck her over? she had to ask. don’t worry, ash, i’m not mad at you! I’m kind of pissed at spence though, she so does not have to go out with carmen, yuck. love the story, when I saw it was from you i knew it would be good. pms

    3. great job loved it you should kill carmen off just kidding.spencer need to tell her that she can’t see her then spencer wouldn’t have to go out with her.ashley needs to tell spencer she likes her or loves her which ever one it is.oh and i love sammy shes so cute pms please

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