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    The Assistant – (Chapter: 3)

    “No way, you get,” Spencer said, clutching the guitar closer and squinting to focus on the fast-moving colored blocks rolling down the screen. “The drums are easy on this one.  The game won’t even notice you’re gone.”

    “I’ll get it!”  Sammy yelled, dropping the mic and tottering over to the door.

    “Stop right there, young lady,” Spencer warned, putting down the guitar. “You know you’re not supposed to answer the door.”

    Almost as soon as Spencer put the guitar down, the song stopped playing.

    “Ugh! We lost,” Glen yelled, throwing down the sticks. 

    “It’s okay, Uncle Gwen,” Sammy said making her way over to him, patting him on the back. “We try again. Don’t be sad.”

    Spencer smiled at the scene, before the doorbell rang again pulling her out of the moment.

    She looked through the peephole in the door, and her heart dropped when she saw who was standing there.  She took a few deep breaths, before opening it.

    “Carmen,” she said, forcing a smile.

    “Hey, baby,” Carmen said, wrapping her hands around Spencer’s waist and kissing her on the cheek. Spencer pulled back as soon as she felt she could without tipping off Carmen to how uncomfortable the exchange made her.

    “Mamá!” Sammy yelled, clapping her hands in excitement.  Carmen rushed over to the little girl, picking her up and throwing her in the air. 

    “M’ija!” Carmen said as she showered the girl with kisses. “I’ve missed you. Have you been good?”

    Sammy was so busy giggling, she didn’t respond.

    “Yes, she’s always good,” Spencer said, walking over to the both of them.  Glen had stopped playing the game and was now staring at Carmen with fury in his eyes.

    Carmen put the little girl down on the floor, and traced a fingertip across her cheek.

    “She still has the rashes,” Carmen said, standing up to look at Spencer.

    “Yeah, but they’re getting better.”

    “Maybe you shouldn’t have her in the sun so much.”

    “Carmen, she hardly—“

    “Did you get the money I left?”

    “Yeah, thanks.”

    Carmen took a seat on the couch, nodding a greeting to Glen, which he didn’t return.  Sammy crawled onto her lap, leaning back into her arms.

    “Spencer, why are you feeding her all this junk?” Carmen asked, noticing the empty bags of chips.

    “She doesn’t eat like that everyday, Carmen,” Spencer said.

    “Hey, my sister knows how to take care of her daughter,” Glen defended. “She doesn’t need to explain anything to you.”

    “Glen,” Spencer warned.

    Carmen ignored him.  She picked Sammy up off her lap and placed her on the empty cushion beside her, before walking over to wrap her arms around Spencer’s waist.

    “I’m taking you out tonight,” she whispered in Spencer’s ear, softly biting the lobe.  Spencer only nodded, staring down at the floor.  She had known Carmen would show up at some point.  Carmen was never the only one who had to pay up the few times Spencer was able to get money out of her.

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    1. OK, hating Carmen right now. Bitch! Ashley’s being an ass too. Someone needs to start taking care of Spencer and it has to be Ash. PMS!!

    2. but didn’t ashley’s mom fuck her over? she had to ask. don’t worry, ash, i’m not mad at you! I’m kind of pissed at spence though, she so does not have to go out with carmen, yuck. love the story, when I saw it was from you i knew it would be good. pms

    3. great job loved it you should kill carmen off just kidding.spencer need to tell her that she can’t see her then spencer wouldn’t have to go out with her.ashley needs to tell spencer she likes her or loves her which ever one it is.oh and i love sammy shes so cute pms please

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