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    The Demon’s Den – (Chapter: Chapter 5)

    She tried to ignore it but when she began washing herself with the soap she got even more aroused as her mind saw her hands turn into the creamy ones of Spencer. She slid her hands over her torso and up to her breast. When she touched one of her nipples she gasped and she started to pinch it lightly. All the while she had her eyes closed and pictured a very naked version of Spencer.

    While her one hand was playing with her nipple her other slithered down her perfect breast and toned abdomen lower and lower until she could feel her now very wet lips. She grasped it in a firm grip and she slid 2 fingers in and started pumping in a slow but steady pace and in her mind she saw Spencer kneeling in front of her.

    Instead of her own fingers in her, it was now Spencer’s fingers and the soft, moist and extremely hot cavern of Spencer’s mouth on her sensitive nub. Spencer’s was thrusting in and out over Ashley’s hot core and her tongue working on her sensitive nub her while other hand were caressing her ass. Ashley put her other hand on the wall she increased her speed, she was panting now, and closing completion.

    In her mind she had now kneel down in front of Spencer, then she thrust 2 fingers deep in to the blonde while the other hand travel down to the blonde back. Spencer threw her head back with her eyes close and Ashley was pounding into her with great vigour. The imaginary Spencer was moaning in front of her begging Ashley to kiss her and give her completion. Ashley lean forward and grabbed the back of Spencer’s neck and kiss her deeply. Suddenly Ashley cried out and collapse in the shower.

    But the feeling of being weightless after her climax disappears as fast as it came, as usual when doing it by herself. But it had felt good and she now had a strong longing to taste the real deal. She had certainly found herself a wet dream that would stick with her for some time.

    Wow. Talk about an impact. Why am I having such vivid fantasies about the girl? I only met her for like 30 minutes this very morning.” Ashley finished washing off and set off to find clothes.


    1. I am sooo glad that you posted another chapter. I can’t wait to see what will happen next. I hope that Ashley saved Kyla so that Kyla can tell Spencer and a cop named Ashley saved her life. PMS and GREAT WORK!!!!

    2. r they related in this story too and don’t even know it? Kyla is slow. Spencer told her not to go messin around, but look at her. she thought she was gonna get away with it, but she ain’t.

    3. I am sooo glad that you posted another chapter. I can’t wait to see what will happen next. I hope that Ashley saved Kyla so that Kyla can tell Spencer and a cop named Ashley saved her life. PMS and GREAT WORK!!!!

    4. r they related in this story too and don’t even know it? Kyla is slow. Spencer told her not to go messin around, but look at her. she thought she was gonna get away with it, but she ain’t.

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