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    The Demon’s Den – (Chapter: Chapter 5)

    “What the hell can make scratches like these?” Ashley looked at the torn up body and wondered about the wounds.

    “The pattern of the scratches surely looks like it came from human hands but there is also the fact that no human nails would be hard enough to scratch the skin and flesh straight in to the bone, It simply cannot be.” She looked at the detectives who where staring at the scratches.

    “Well anyway I have been trying to get ant form of DNA from the wounds and found light traces in this wound right here. This scratch is by far the worst and as you see it has truly ripped the flesh from the ribs and that’s the reason for the DNA. Our killer was a little rough here and fragments of his supposedly nails have torn loose against the ribs.” Aiden and Ashley looked at her intently, she held them at suspense. She smiled and asked sweetly.

    “Would you like to know what I found out?”

    “What do you think dammit?” Ashley was not a temperamental person at all. Aiden put his hand on Ashley’s shoulder to get her to relax.

    “Relax Ashley.” Ashley didn’t respond she just glared at the coroner. She was unfazed by her glare.

    “Oh, With that temper I’m not sure I want to tell.” She gave a little pouted. She was so clearly baiting Ashley, she found her temper highly amusing.

    “Christ woman, would you just tell us?” Ashley burst out in resignation, She smiled and brought up a paper from her file.

    “Well the result is clearly confusing, I have never seen anything like this before but I checked it three times and all came out the same.” She turned to the body.

    “The result said it was human at least for the most part.” She looked clearly confused herself but that was nothing compared to her two guests.

    “What do you mean ‘most’ part?” Aiden asked with a frown.

    “This is going to sound totally freaky but the DNA stated that it was human but entwined in the human DNA were strong traces of something else. And I might sound crazy now but the DNA clearly says that it’s both human and, wolf.” She got huge eyes from two people and she sighed.


    1. I am sooo glad that you posted another chapter. I can’t wait to see what will happen next. I hope that Ashley saved Kyla so that Kyla can tell Spencer and a cop named Ashley saved her life. PMS and GREAT WORK!!!!

    2. r they related in this story too and don’t even know it? Kyla is slow. Spencer told her not to go messin around, but look at her. she thought she was gonna get away with it, but she ain’t.

    3. I am sooo glad that you posted another chapter. I can’t wait to see what will happen next. I hope that Ashley saved Kyla so that Kyla can tell Spencer and a cop named Ashley saved her life. PMS and GREAT WORK!!!!

    4. r they related in this story too and don’t even know it? Kyla is slow. Spencer told her not to go messin around, but look at her. she thought she was gonna get away with it, but she ain’t.

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