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    The Demon’s Den – (Chapter: Chapter 5)

    “Wolf? What are you, trying to make a joke here? That can’t possibly be, can it?” Aiden looked totally freaked out while Ashley had a more serious look to her. Ashley took the sheet of paper from the doctor.

    “Sure it’s possible maybe not so very probable but most definitely possible. You say it has entwined DNA between human and wolf. Well, what does that combination tell you guys?” She looked pointedly at the other two occupants of the room.

    “No Ashley don’t pull out that theory again. That just plainly is impossible.” Aiden said annoyed and Ashley scowled at him.

    “What? Now here is clear evidence of it, look dammit. You can’t argue with the proof can you? Open your eyes Dennison they are out there. “ The coroner looked at them with questioning eyes. Aiden sighed and explained.

    “You see, detective Davies here is sure she was once attacked by a…this is so ridiculous. She says a Werewolf attacked her when she was a kid.” She gasped and turned to Ashley.

    “Is that true? Where you?” Aiden couldn’t believe his ears when he heard her ask that question.

    “Yeah. Though the police, all doctors and other people just blamed the attack on a really big and mad dog. But let me tell you, this creature who attacked me was no animal. It clearly had a human body but it was covered in fur and had the face of a wolf. It managed to bite me over my shoulder but then I blacked out. I have no memory of what happened after that but I know it was a werewolf, Nobody will ever tell me otherwise and convince me about it.” Aiden sighed, he had heard that story hundreds of times and was tired of it. He didn’t at all believe that crap.

    The coroner looked at Ashley and something akin to understanding crept over her eyes but all she said was.

    “I believe you detective Davies.” She continued with her closure. She pointed at the body.

    “I guess you both are aware that he died from these injuries, there are no drugs in his system only alcohol. Well I guess you know everything worth of knowing now. I’ll call you when I know anything else okay? Now I need to continue with my paperwork.


    1. I am sooo glad that you posted another chapter. I can’t wait to see what will happen next. I hope that Ashley saved Kyla so that Kyla can tell Spencer and a cop named Ashley saved her life. PMS and GREAT WORK!!!!

    2. r they related in this story too and don’t even know it? Kyla is slow. Spencer told her not to go messin around, but look at her. she thought she was gonna get away with it, but she ain’t.

    3. I am sooo glad that you posted another chapter. I can’t wait to see what will happen next. I hope that Ashley saved Kyla so that Kyla can tell Spencer and a cop named Ashley saved her life. PMS and GREAT WORK!!!!

    4. r they related in this story too and don’t even know it? Kyla is slow. Spencer told her not to go messin around, but look at her. she thought she was gonna get away with it, but she ain’t.

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