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    The Demon’s Den – (Chapter: Chapter 5)

    Ashley was stunned to silence, she never found someone who believed her before and here she meets this woman who just blindly bought her story without hesitation. She could only think that something similar must have happened to her or one in her presence.

    After she had been at the coroners office she had been so confused, not used to get that kind of response from anyone. Everyone just told her it was a hallucination caused from the shock and the severe wound she got on her shoulder.

    Ashley unconsciously put a hand on her shoulder rubbing it lightly. Well she had no time to brood over that now. She wanted to go home and sleep after this hell of a day she was exhausted. She had not slept much, she had been forced to spent her first working hours with that ass of a chief they had at the precinct, this combined with hearings with no result at all and the visit to the coroners office.

    And to top it all off she had spent the last two hours trying to get even one coherent meaning come from the self proclaimed witness who had contacted them. The man had called the precinct claiming to have vital information about the case, so Ashley set off to question him. But as Ashley arrived at the meeting place she was not pleased.

    The ‘witness’ was at a cheesy cafe sitting in a corner smoking something that was not an ordinary cigarette Ashley could tell. She looked around and she could smell the foul air in the place, she figured not many of these people actually smoked real cigarettes.

    She had tried to talk to the witness but the guy just babbled on and on about strange things like the beautiful colours floating around and such stuff. Well basically he was high as a kite and was only out for money if he gave his info but Ashley could gather from his babbling that the man obviously knew nothing, because he was nothing if not honest.

    So two whole hours wasted on a moron who knew nothing. Yes one hell of a day. Ashley walked on towards her car.

    Why didn’t I park the car closer? Oh, no leave the car two blocks away so that you can have plenty of walking time, walking is good for your health.” She grumbled internally. That’s when she heard noise from an alley, it sounded like a very lively argument. The sounds came from the nearby alley.

    She walked slowly towards it and looked in where she saw three older teens ganging up on a short younger teen.

    Why is it always an alley involved? I’m just asking, jeez, sleep will have to wait I guess.” She walked inside looking as pissed as she felt. Two of the guys held the little one and the third big guy punched her stomache.

    “‘Cough’ Fuck. You assholes, I won that money fair and square. You’re just a sore looser. Let me go you bastards.” The kid kicked after them and thrashed in their grip.

    “Oh come on, you honestly believed I would just let you walk away with my money? Get real bitch, There was no way.” He pulled back for a hit but his fist was grabbed mid-air. He looked back to see the brunette who looked thoroughly pissed off.

    “Hey asshole let go of me. What the hell do you think you are doing?”

    “Shut up. You little bitch what the fuck are you doing Huh?” One of the guys restraining the younger one backed away a step his grip loosening, he knew Ashley, he had been arrested by her on more than one occasion for several reasons. Ashley looks tiny but she’s a strong woman. Hell, she can send 3 guys to hospital in 10 minutes. That’s how good she is.

    “Come on guys that’s a fucking cop. She’s a real maniac, I say we split.” The guy ran off soon followed by his companion, when they ran off the kid fell to her knees clutching her stomach. Ashley looked at the third thug.

    “Well I suggest you do like your companions and run. If I see you again I’ll nail your ass for assault of a minor. Now get the hell out of here.” She threw the guy away and he ran off but as usual all thugs has to have the last word.

    “I won’t forget this, I’ll get you damn brat.” He ran off out of sight. Ashley looked at the kid on her knees and the kid met her look with a stare.

    There they were staring each other down, the tan-skinned kid with dark brown hair Vs. the tan-skinned brunette.


    1. I am sooo glad that you posted another chapter. I can’t wait to see what will happen next. I hope that Ashley saved Kyla so that Kyla can tell Spencer and a cop named Ashley saved her life. PMS and GREAT WORK!!!!

    2. r they related in this story too and don’t even know it? Kyla is slow. Spencer told her not to go messin around, but look at her. she thought she was gonna get away with it, but she ain’t.

    3. I am sooo glad that you posted another chapter. I can’t wait to see what will happen next. I hope that Ashley saved Kyla so that Kyla can tell Spencer and a cop named Ashley saved her life. PMS and GREAT WORK!!!!

    4. r they related in this story too and don’t even know it? Kyla is slow. Spencer told her not to go messin around, but look at her. she thought she was gonna get away with it, but she ain’t.

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