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    The Demon’s Den – (Chapter: Chapter 6)

    The kid looked completely terrified as soon as I mentioned social services. What’s that all about?’

    “Your choice, though it would obviously save me a shit load of problems if I brought you in. So what’s it gonna be?” The kid hung her head low in defeat.

    “Kyla. The name is Kyla, happy?” She forced out angrily.

    “There now we are getting somewhere. So where do you live and what’s your parent’s names?” Kyla bit her lower lip.

    Shit, I know I’m not supposed to tell but if she takes me to the station they will take me away from Spencer I just know it…shit shit shit.’

    “If I tell you will you anyone else hear about it?” She asked quietly.

    What? Now I’m more confused, what exactly is going on here?’

    “No, there would be no need. I’ll just talk to your parents and then leave, nothing more. So would you answer my questions now?” Kyla let out a loud sigh and looked down at her hands.

    “Well I don’t think you need to know where I live, No one’s there at the moment anyway. I don’t have any parents they’re both dead, and at the moment my guardian is at work.”

    “You only have one guardian?”

    “Yeah. She works nights that’s why she’s not home now.” Ashley smirked.

    “So she has no idea that you aren’t at home? Damn kid talk about abusing someone’s trust. Well now where does she work then?” Ashley started up the car and waited for directions.

    “Hey you freak, it’s none of your business what I do. Anyway, she works at a night-club not to far from here. You heard of The Demon’s Den?” Ashley looked in the rear-view mirror at Kyla.

    “And her name?” Ashley waited while Kyla shifted uncomfortably in her seat.

    “Spencer, Spencer Carlin.” Ashley smirked.

    “And she’s your sole guardian? No one there to shear the responsibility?” Kyla frowned at the question.

    “Are you stupid or what, if there was any one else don’t you think I would have said that by now? My god, you’re a moron.” Ashley couldn’t believe her luck. She now had a real excuse to meet with the blonded-haired beauty again, this day seemed to pay off in the end after all.


    1. I think its Madison that saw them. She would tell Rose so that she would get all of the attention from him and have Spencer fired. I love the chapter and I hope that you post more soon.

    2. I think its Madison that saw them. She would tell Rose so that she would get all of the attention from him and have Spencer fired. I love the chapter and I hope that you post more soon.

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