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    The Demon’s Den – (Chapter: Chapter 6)

    The drive towards the club was made in silence, Kyla looked more and more worried the closer they came. Suddenly she burst out.

    “Stop here don’t go any closer.” At Ashley’s irritated look she continued.

    “Can you just do it and I’ll explain.” Ashley grumbled something incoherent and pulled over to the side of the road long enough from the club so they couldn’t be seen very well. When Ashley turned to look at Kyla she noted how Kyla where huddled down in the backseat.

    Now what’s this about?’ Kyla saw Ashley’s look and felt she had to explain but what to say?

    The truth? Yeah right, like that would end well’ Kyla thought about what it would sound like.

    Oh you see Spencer’s Boss is a narcissistic perverted vampire lord who is obsessed with her. And if he knew Spencer had a kid in her care he would most likely kill me and make Spencer come to live in that torture palace, she will only to become a slave to that asshole. You understand right?’ Kyla would have laughed at the thought if the situation had been different.

    “Well you see. Spencer’s co-workers and her boss don’t know she has a foster daughter. If they find out She’ll lose her job and then I would have to leave her and be replaced, and I..we don’t want that to happen.” Ashley nodded.

    “So what do I say then?”

    “Just say anything, jeez you really are an idiot. Just make up something like a questioning with her outside or something. Just get her out here.” Ashley scowled.

    “Shut up Brat, I wasn’t asking for your opinion I was just thinking out loud.”

    “That’s usually the first sign of insanity you know?” Kyla grinned at her.

    “Shut up. Stay here. Don’t move. Be silent and I’ll bring her here. Damn monkey brat.” Ashley grumbled as she left the car. Kyla kept low and didn’t answer.

    Ashley walked to the club and was stopped by the bouncers. She showed them her ID and told them she had to follow-up on the case and talk to Ms. Spencer. They looked less than pleased but they let her in.

    Well inside Ashley looked around for her target. It didn’t take long for Ashley to notice her. She had this glow about her that Ashley felt drawn to. She had to almost fight her way up to the bar. She went to the side of the bar where the opening where and got the man’s attention, what had Spencer called him…Glen? Yeah, that’s it. He hot and cute but somehow his beauty was nothing in comparison of Spencer.


    1. I think its Madison that saw them. She would tell Rose so that she would get all of the attention from him and have Spencer fired. I love the chapter and I hope that you post more soon.

    2. I think its Madison that saw them. She would tell Rose so that she would get all of the attention from him and have Spencer fired. I love the chapter and I hope that you post more soon.

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