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    The Demon’s Den – (Chapter: Chapter 6)

    When he saw her, he walked over to her and smiled.

    “Hey, your one of the officers from this morning right?”

    “Yeah, the name is Ashley Davies. Could you tell Ms. Spencer that I really need to talk to her? It’s about the case.” Glen nodded happily.

    “Yeah right away hottie.” He winked and went over to Spencer. He placed his hand on her shoulder whispered something to her and pointed towards Ashley. Spencer immediately walked over. Rose wanted them to ‘act’ as helpful as they could. He could not afford to have cops snooping around the club too much.

    “Hey, Ms…I mean Ashley. What do I own a pleasure for you this late evening?” Ashley couldn’t help but let her eyes roam over Spencer’s body with an appreciative look.

    “Hey Spencer, I’m sorry to disturb you in your work yet again but I really need you to follow me to the station.” At Spencer’s confused look Ashley elaborated.

    “We have found a few suspects and since you are the only one who at least believe you saw the culprit I really need you to come with me and see if you recognise anyone.” Spencer didn’t look thrilled.

    “Does that really have to happen this night? I really shouldn’t just leave my job like that.” Ashley realised she would have to give Spence a hint about what was going on.

    “Well, you might find these suspects quite interesting, one suspect is a real street thug, around my height, tan skinned with brown hair and brown eyes, and she has a bad mouth, she even kicked me in the chin when I brought her to my car, sound familiar?” Ashley raised an eyebrow as she watched the motions go through Spencer’s face. They where talking low enough for only them to hear in all the noise of the club.

    “You aren’t talking about a teenage girl, aren’t you?”

    “Yes one could almost call her a brat, I brought her in after finding her in a heated argument alone against three older guys.” Spencer visibly paled, and considering her already pale complexion that was allot.

    Spencer had understood the underlying meaning loud and clear she turned and walked quickly over to Glen before she went to the phone that was on the wall next to Ashley. Ashley watched her dial a short number and wait shortly.


    1. I think its Madison that saw them. She would tell Rose so that she would get all of the attention from him and have Spencer fired. I love the chapter and I hope that you post more soon.

    2. I think its Madison that saw them. She would tell Rose so that she would get all of the attention from him and have Spencer fired. I love the chapter and I hope that you post more soon.

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