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    The Demon’s Den – (Chapter: Chapter 6)

    “Hey Ted it’s Spencer, could you do me a huge favour?…I really need to leave, the police is here and she wants me to come with her to the station and look at some suspects. So I’m desperate for someone to cover for me and you are the only one who would even think about covering for me ya know?… I know it’s your weekend off but I promise to make it up to you. Please I’m begging you…you will? Thank you so much. I really owe you one…yeah hurry up.” Spencer hung up the phone.

    “I’ll go change as soon as my co-worker arrives, alright?” Spencer looked worried and went back to work and five minutes later another guy came into the bar. He walked up to Spencer and Glen and smiled big at them.

    “Never fear, Ted is here.” He yelled at them and posed as if he was the eighth wonder of the world.

    How lame.’ Was Ashley’s only thought at that, she watched them talk hushed with each other and Spencer left to change. And a few minutes later Spencer emerged from the dressing room. She walked up to Spencer and motioned for her to lead the way.

    They left together Ashley leading Spencer towards the spot where she had her car, they walked in an uncomfortable silence the whole way. When they finally reached the car Ashley pounded the roof and Kyla’s head flew up to look straight into the face of her guardian. Spencer’s fears were answered she had hoped all the way there that she had just miss understood Ashley but obviously that was just wishful thinking.

    Kyla saw the look on Spencer’s face and knew she was in for it now. Ashley was about to open the door when Spencer stopped her.

    “Would you mind driving us a bit from the club before letting her out? I really don’t want to risk anyone in the club seeing her.” Ashley just shrugged and answered.

    “Yeah that’s all right, get in and I’ll drive a few blocks down.” They got in the car and drove off. But they all failed to see the shadowed figure that stood just at the corner of the club watching them from the shadows, the figure went into the club with a satisfied smirk on the face.


    1. I think its Madison that saw them. She would tell Rose so that she would get all of the attention from him and have Spencer fired. I love the chapter and I hope that you post more soon.

    2. I think its Madison that saw them. She would tell Rose so that she would get all of the attention from him and have Spencer fired. I love the chapter and I hope that you post more soon.

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