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    The Demon’s Den – (Chapter: Chapter 7)

    “You will leave now and I don’t want to see you at all for the next couple of days. Now LEAVE.” The girl turned quickly to leave but before she went she whispered to Spencer.

    “Don’t think this changes my view of you.”

    “I wouldn’t dream of it.” Spencer managed before she took off in haste.

    Now then Spencer my dear. Won’t you come in? Let us talk.” Rose put his arm around Spencer’s waist and led her into the living room. Spencer felt like running the hell out of there but knew that was not an option. She had walked freely into the master den and had to get this done.

    For Kyla.’ She reminded herself. She hated the fact that she had lowered herself to calling Rose master. She really regretted it but it had done the trick. She saw how satisfied Rose had been at hearing the word leave her lips. She could swear Rose got off at hearing it too.

    Rose was so fixated on Spencer and that really bothered her. She didn’t care that the others hated her. She never asked to be put in this situation in the first place and she definitely didn’t ask to be Rose’s favourite of them all.

    Spencer was fully aware of the fact that Rose desired her and wanted her to become his companion and had on many occasions tried to seduce Spencer and get her to bed. And thanks to this knowledge she felt extremely uncomfortable being alone in Rose’s presence.

    Well in the living room Rose embraced Spencer, a thing he usually did to show his children that his anger was not directed at them but at something else. Spencer bowed her head as a pure reflex, no matter what she thought of Rose her vampire instincts still recognised her as superior.

    So Spencer knew that as long as she wasn’t stronger she would never be able to refuse Rose if he got too aggressive in his approach. Her only consolation was that Rose seemed to be reluctant to take her by force. She was well aware of how spoiled she was but she lived with it knowing it saved her allot of agony.

    Rose put his hands on the sides of Spencer’s head and kissed her forehead. Spencer closed her eyes, then she sat down in Rose’s couch once the hold on her head was gone. Rose went to his mostly unused kitchen and came back holding a bag of blood and two crystal wineglasses with beautiful frosted designs on it.


    1. I really really like this story. Spencer as a vampire is sexy, mainly because she still has a heart of gold. and of course Ashley is sexy as always. I really like how this story is unfolding. excellent chapter!

    2. I am sooo glad that you posted a chapter today. I really enjoyed it and I can’t wait to see what will happen next for our girls!!!!! I LOVE THIS STORY!!!!!! PMS and I hope Ashley will help Spencer with everything.

    3. I really really like this story. Spencer as a vampire is sexy, mainly because she still has a heart of gold. and of course Ashley is sexy as always. I really like how this story is unfolding. excellent chapter!

    4. I am sooo glad that you posted a chapter today. I really enjoyed it and I can’t wait to see what will happen next for our girls!!!!! I LOVE THIS STORY!!!!!! PMS and I hope Ashley will help Spencer with everything.

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