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    The Demon’s Den – (Chapter: Chapter 7)

    Roses right hand travelled up Spencer’s body to finally grasp her chin in a mockingly lovers touch.

    “Well Spencer, let’s see how bad you want to take time off, and depending on how well you do, I’ll determine for how long you will have time off. Rose had a predatory look in his eyes. Then Rose’s lips descended upon her and time seemed to freeze for Spencer.

    Rose’s kiss was harsh and demanding, he used his fangs to force Spencer’s lips to open. He probed Spencer’s mouth and the hand on her neck was now holding hard on her shoulder while that on her chin now worked to open the buttons of Spencer’s button up shirt. He started to caress Spencer’s breast and he clawed at her one nipple under her bra at the same time as he bit Spencer’s tongue. He savoured the blood flowing in between their mouths and Spencer could feel Rose’s erection on her leg.

    That did it for Spencer and she managed to put her hands on Rose’s chest and push weakly. She was truly terrified now. Rose’s kiss was nothing like Ashley’s. His was horrible, cold and harsh while that of Ashley was warm, gentle and wonderful.

    “No please Sir… No more I beg for you to STOP.” Spencer was panicking and Rose could feel that in the way, the way she started to shake and hyperventilate. Rose was not thrilled at the fact that he had to stop but he had said not to take Spencer against his will and he really tried to keep it as that.

    He got off Spencer with a half-satisfied look on his face. Spencer pulled her knees up to her chest as she was shaking badly and clutching her shirt together on her chest.

    “I..I’m s..s…so sorry Sir I…” Rose’s chuckle silenced him.

    “I would say that you can take a short vacation from work starting, let’s say Thursday? I need time to redo the schedules. And that was definitely worth a two-week vacation wouldn’t you say?”

    “But I would like to see you here for dinner on Saturday night with me and Glen. So if that’s all, I have to tend to my work as well. So I’ll see you on Saturday if not any sooner.” With that Rose left Spencer on the couch. Spencer still shook and tears of disgust flowed down her cheeks but not a sound was heard from her.

    She slowly stood to leave that dreaded place, the only comfort she had was the fact that she would not get to be here for almost the entire duration of two weeks. She felt dirty and cold, she wanted someone to comfort her, to hold her and to love her and protect her.

    She really wanted Ashley.


    1. I really really like this story. Spencer as a vampire is sexy, mainly because she still has a heart of gold. and of course Ashley is sexy as always. I really like how this story is unfolding. excellent chapter!

    2. I am sooo glad that you posted a chapter today. I really enjoyed it and I can’t wait to see what will happen next for our girls!!!!! I LOVE THIS STORY!!!!!! PMS and I hope Ashley will help Spencer with everything.

    3. I really really like this story. Spencer as a vampire is sexy, mainly because she still has a heart of gold. and of course Ashley is sexy as always. I really like how this story is unfolding. excellent chapter!

    4. I am sooo glad that you posted a chapter today. I really enjoyed it and I can’t wait to see what will happen next for our girls!!!!! I LOVE THIS STORY!!!!!! PMS and I hope Ashley will help Spencer with everything.

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