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    The Demon’s Den – (Chapter: Chapter 7)

    “I trust you Kyla to follow the rules I set up. Do you find me unfair? Do you not think I set these rules up for your own good?” Suddenly Spencer looked extremely tired and she let out an audible sigh and asked one more question.

    “Why?” Kyla gave Spencer a pleading look and said in a hushed tone.

    “I’m sorry, I know what I have done is wrong, but please can we talk about this at home?” Kyla cocked her head towards Ashley. Spencer suddenly remembered that she had to think before she talked right now, For one they where in public and then there was the fact that Ashley was still standing there looking intently at them.

    “We’ll talk about this at home and just to make sure you really think of what you have done you’ll get a hard earned week of house arrest.” Kyla looked mortified.

    “What just for this? But…”

    “Yes. That means, no staying out after school, no going home to friends, no phone, no internet, no visiting friends, do I made myself clear?” Ashley was having a hard time not laughing at the look on Kyla’s face.

    “Well what would you know about that? Huh? You’re always sleeping during the days anyway and you’re always working in the nights.” Kyla knew she was pushing her luck but once her mouth started there was no stopping it.

    “KYLA! Just for that you get two weeks. Don’t challenge me on this.” Ashley snickered at them but that went unnoticed.

    “Oh, come on…”

    “I mean it Kyla” Spencer looked at Kyla but Kyla never fully met her eyes. She did know she was in the wrong here, but would never admit it. Not yet anyway.

    “But..” Kyla tried



    “NO!” Kyla was tiring.

    “SPENCE!” Kyla burst out and it was Spencer’s turn to look mortified.

    “KYLA!” she yelled

    “Spence?” they heard Ashley repeat questioningly.

    “Ashley? Ohh Kyla.” Spencer put her face in her hands and sighed in resignation. Kyla realised her mistake and hung her head hiding her eyes behind her hair.

    “I’m so sorry. It was a mistake honestly.” Kyla spoke low and Spencer swore she saw a tear run down the youth’s cheek. Spencer went up to her and enveloped her in a hug.


    1. I really really like this story. Spencer as a vampire is sexy, mainly because she still has a heart of gold. and of course Ashley is sexy as always. I really like how this story is unfolding. excellent chapter!

    2. I am sooo glad that you posted a chapter today. I really enjoyed it and I can’t wait to see what will happen next for our girls!!!!! I LOVE THIS STORY!!!!!! PMS and I hope Ashley will help Spencer with everything.

    3. I really really like this story. Spencer as a vampire is sexy, mainly because she still has a heart of gold. and of course Ashley is sexy as always. I really like how this story is unfolding. excellent chapter!

    4. I am sooo glad that you posted a chapter today. I really enjoyed it and I can’t wait to see what will happen next for our girls!!!!! I LOVE THIS STORY!!!!!! PMS and I hope Ashley will help Spencer with everything.

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