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    The Demon’s Den – (Chapter: Chapter 7)

    “I know Kyla, I know. I’m sorry to we never should have had this discussion here.” Now Ashley decided it safe to speak her thoughts.

    “So Spence? What’s up with that? Is that your nickname? It sound better then Spencer.” Ashley saw the surprise in Spencer’s eyes when she let go of Kyla to look at her.

    “Yeah, you think so?” Spencer thought she might as well be honest about that since her name was out in the open now.

    “Well, I just think it sound kinda cute, better than Spencer.” Ashley grinned at her monologue and at Spencer’s nonplussed look.

    “Oh…thanks, I guess. Actually, Spence is family and close friend name, but you can call me Spence if you like…only if you want to though.” Kyla looked at Spencer and couldn’t get why she was being so……not Spencer to that bitch.

    “So…do you mind if I call you Spence from now on?” Asked Ashley who flash the blonde her infamous Davies smile.

    Spencer found herself blushing, so she quickly change the subject.

    “Umm…well, thank you for your help tonight, I’m really sorry for any inconvenience she might have caused you. And I’m very thankful for the way you told me about her. It really would not have been good if my co-workers heard of me raising a girl.”

    “Hey no problem. I would gladly do anything for you if you asked me to.” She winked at Spencer who was blushing profusely.

    “Hey perv, don’t you even think about hitting on her, she’s not interested in girls. And stop ogling her like that. Come on Spence let’s go home.” Spencer furrowed her brows and composed herself.

    “Wait just one minute who said anyone could use that name for me that freely. Ashley I would prefer if you refrained from using my name in public like this and that goes for you too Kyla and you already know it.” Kyla clamped her mouth shut and Ashley laughed.

    “You better keep that mouth closed kid, for it seems it likes getting you into trouble.”

    “Shut up you stupid perverted bitch.” At yet another glare from Spencer she decided to try to be quiet but that was not easy, something about this Ashley just rubbed her the wrong way.


    1. I really really like this story. Spencer as a vampire is sexy, mainly because she still has a heart of gold. and of course Ashley is sexy as always. I really like how this story is unfolding. excellent chapter!

    2. I am sooo glad that you posted a chapter today. I really enjoyed it and I can’t wait to see what will happen next for our girls!!!!! I LOVE THIS STORY!!!!!! PMS and I hope Ashley will help Spencer with everything.

    3. I really really like this story. Spencer as a vampire is sexy, mainly because she still has a heart of gold. and of course Ashley is sexy as always. I really like how this story is unfolding. excellent chapter!

    4. I am sooo glad that you posted a chapter today. I really enjoyed it and I can’t wait to see what will happen next for our girls!!!!! I LOVE THIS STORY!!!!!! PMS and I hope Ashley will help Spencer with everything.

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