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    The Demon’s Den – (Chapter: Chapter 8)

    Spencer pulled the girl to her and held her while the tears of what could only be seen as regret poured out of the girl. Kyla collapsed into Spencer’s embrace and held on to her like a lifeline. After a few minutes Kyla stopped crying and only sniffled slightly. Soon Spencer heard a low faint voice.

    “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you I just… I don’t know how to explain but I just felt angry and wanted you to know it or something. But I really didn’t mean to hurt you. I would never do that. Please forgive me.” Kyla didn’t look up to meet Spencer’s eyes or she would see the smile she wore at hearing the girl’s words.

    “Shh, it’s ok. Now Kyla I understand. You were angry since you still feel you were just trying to help. It’s all right. I understand. But please don’t do that again. It’s better if you talk or yell me and show your anger. Communication Kyla, that’s really important okay?” They talked about it some more while Kyla sat at the table to finally eat her food.

    “So Ky, am I supposed to sign an agreement for you going on the trip.” The look in Kyla’s eyes was priceless. Spencer had just given her agreement to Kyla and the girl was overjoyed. She grinned widely and said.

    “No, teacher thought it would be better if all parents called her and gave their answer instead, to prevent any false signatures. That actually happens a lot in our school.” After that Spencer had left for work and Kyla played her videogames.

    —End Flashback—

    Well at least she’s talking to me now. But it’s really not fun to see her so gloomy.’

    Spencer was working in the same bar as Ted tonight, for that she was grateful. The others always tried to make a fool out of her. They would trip her if she passed behind them. They bumped into her while passing and other stuff like that. They always tried when she had her hands full of glasses or whatever. But she was always on alert and they usually failed miserably, If on the off chance they would succeed, she was too graceful in her movements to actually fall or drop most of what she was carrying.

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    1. SWEET!!!!!!! I so LOVE ASHLEY in this FF. I just hope that spencer will go with her to the NBA game and that Kyla doesn’t act RUDE to Ashley. PMS and LOVED THE UPDATE!!!!!!!!!

    2. SWEET!!!!!!! I so LOVE ASHLEY in this FF. I just hope that spencer will go with her to the NBA game and that Kyla doesn’t act RUDE to Ashley. PMS and LOVED THE UPDATE!!!!!!!!!

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