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    The Demon’s Den – (Chapter: Chapter 8)

    But this night she worked with Ted who treated her kindly. Glen usually made sure she worked with one of them but sometimes they were both off and he couldn’t do anything.

    Spencer and Ted worked well together, they concentrated on their work and both ignored the many flirtatious remarks people gave them. Where Ted and Spencer both worked this way, Glen on the other hand would love to tease both the guests and the person he worked with. His favourite to tease was Spencer.

    On this Thursday night it was an easy night, the place was not packed but still crowded. Spencer let her gaze travel across the club and soon found the eyes of a woman who had come for dinner every night for the past four evenings.

    Ashley sat at a table in the restaurant and watched her love interest work. She knew that Spencer would soon see her. After all she had done this very same thing for the past four nights already. And as predicted Spencer soon let her gaze slid across the club until she froze at meeting Ashley’s eyes.

    Ashley had never said she wouldn’t contact Spencer before the awaited call arrived, (she never doubted Spencer would call). All she said was that she would be waiting for the call. That didn’t mean she wouldn’t see her until that time. She had come here these past few nights to just be near Spencer and remind the blonde of her presence. She had not approached Spencer yet, only kept near the bar after dinner, silently and discreetly watching her every move.

    The only problem was how she was feeling after hours of watching Spencer. She would always be in need of either a very cold shower or she had to take care of the problem with her own hands she usually did the latter first and then went with the shower.

    This night was no different, the whole time she spent watching Spencer she would feel a slight stirring in her nether regions. She growled softly to herself, she had to get a proper release and soon too. But she would force herself to wait until Spencer was finally her, and she wouldn’t have it any other way. She wanted only Spencer.

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    1. SWEET!!!!!!! I so LOVE ASHLEY in this FF. I just hope that spencer will go with her to the NBA game and that Kyla doesn’t act RUDE to Ashley. PMS and LOVED THE UPDATE!!!!!!!!!

    2. SWEET!!!!!!! I so LOVE ASHLEY in this FF. I just hope that spencer will go with her to the NBA game and that Kyla doesn’t act RUDE to Ashley. PMS and LOVED THE UPDATE!!!!!!!!!

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