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    The Demon’s Den – (Chapter: Chapter 8)

    Spencer worked on and noticed how Ashley still made no move to talk to her. But her constant presence made Spencer think in ways she didn’t feel was appropriate for this time and place. It would mean big trouble if Rose noticed the way she look at Spencer, while feeling those gorgeous eyes follow her every move.

    Spencer had never considered herself as being gay but she had never really denied it either. She was always a private person and had never had any serious relationships. The only relationship she ever had was when she was 17. She had been dating a guy that was 16 for over a year before she made the decision to break up with him.

    She had no romantic feelings towards him and it wasn’t fair to him. Well that was ancient history now. Spencer’s eyes travelled to meet Ashley’s for what seemed like the hundredth time that night. Come closing hour Ashley would leave and Spencer would find herself wishing she had at least had the guts to talk to Ashley. Maybe she should call? What harm could it do?

    She knew well enough what harm it could do.

    Well maybe just a little talk was okay and maybe lunch or dinner or a night out or maybe a night of passion. No! Stop! This is not good. Shit I can’t keep this up.’

    Spencer kept working in silence until her night was over.

    “Okay Ted I’m leaving now.” Spencer came out of the dressing room.

    “Yeah, so you finally got the long awaited vacation huh? Well if anyone deserves time off it’s without a doubt you. Have fun now, don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.” Ted grinned and waved at Spencer who turned in the door smiling at him.

    “They haven’t invent something you wouldn’t do. Bye.” Spencer went out and heard Ted lock the door behind her. Spencer walked down the streets with her hood up and thoughts whirling in her head.

    I’m really gonna enjoy these weeks of freedom. I need the rest, but what will I do once Kyla leaves? It’ll be more than one week alone. Hmm I guess I’ll just have to find something to do. Maybe I should call Ashley. I would really like to get to know her after all. No! not those thoughts again. Why am I obsessing over her? There would only be trouble from such a union. But I can’t stop thinking about her! Those eyes I could drown in if only I was allowed, her beautiful face and that hair. Stop it! Jeez, someone would almost suspect I’m desperate or something. I sound like a lovesick fourteen-year-old girl.”

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    1. SWEET!!!!!!! I so LOVE ASHLEY in this FF. I just hope that spencer will go with her to the NBA game and that Kyla doesn’t act RUDE to Ashley. PMS and LOVED THE UPDATE!!!!!!!!!

    2. SWEET!!!!!!! I so LOVE ASHLEY in this FF. I just hope that spencer will go with her to the NBA game and that Kyla doesn’t act RUDE to Ashley. PMS and LOVED THE UPDATE!!!!!!!!!

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