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    The Demon’s Den – (Chapter: Chapter 8)

    Spencer chuckled quietly to herself and walked on when she was slightly startled to notice how someone was walking behind her and approaching carefully. Spencer was instantly on alert but walked on not showing she had heard the one following her.

    When the person behind Spencer got closer, Spencer felt a hand clasping her left shoulder and she instantly grabbed the wrist with her left hand and turned at amazing speed and within a second her follower was caught in a strong stranglehold and pushed up against a wall. The woman spoke in a careful slightly choked voice.

    “Sp…Spence hey it’s me Ashley. Let…go.” Spencer gasped it all happened so fast that she didn’t see who the perpetrator was. When she realised it was Ashley she immediately let go and hung her head low in shame.

    “I…I’m so sorry I didn’t see it was you.” Spencer didn’t meet her eyes but if she did she would have seen an amused look in Ashley’s eyes.

    So the kitten’s got a bite? Now that is interesting.’ Ashley decided to ease the guilt in the other woman.

    “Hey that’s all right. It’s not like I couldn’t beat you if I had wanted to.” Now Spencer did look up and saw the teasing look in Ashley’s eyes.

    “You’re such a jerk. Anyway it was your fault for sneaking up on me like that. What did you think you were doing?” Ashley liked to tease and that was something Spencer quickly learning.

    “Well in that thick hood who could blame you for not seeing anything. I hardly knew if it was really you or not. Why do you wear it, to hide that cute face of yours from the public? Well as long as you show it to me I’m happy.” She winked and Spencer’s eyes went wide as saucers and her blush was clearly visible. Spencer collected herself and spoke up.

    “Never mind that. What do you want? Did you wait outside for me to quit work? Are you one of those weird stalkers?” Ashley laughed softly at Spencer’s babbling.

    “Yes I did wait but not like a stalker. I wanted to give you this.” Ashley held out an envelope and Spencer took it. When she opened it she gasped, inside there were tickets to next week’s NBA game between the New York Knicks and the Chicago Bulls. Kyla had been so disappointed when she realised the tickets were sold out.

    “How did you get these? They have been sold out for weeks. I mean why?” Spencer was thrilled. But she didn’t want to go without Kyla.

    “Well, guy I know had a few tickets and sold me three. Those two are for you and the brat. I want you to come with me there. Please will you give me just that one night to get to know you? I promise I won’t make you regret it.” Spencer really wanted to agree but could she really let herself do it? Could she let herself do something for her?

    “I don’t know Ash I…” Ashley cut her off.

    “No Spence, please go home and think about it. You have my number. Call me if you want to go with me and if I don’t get your call I won’t go and you can still bring the brat. I just want one chance to let us get to know each other.” Ashley spoke with such conviction and Spencer felt herself believing in what Ashley told her.

    “I promise to think about it. Okay?” Spencer looked into Ashley’s eyes and Ashley leaned closer, inches from Spencer’s face she whispered.

    “That’s all I’m asking for.” And with that she sealed their lips together and Spencer froze shocked for a moment until she relaxed and all to soon the kiss was over. Ashley had ended the kiss and looked at Spencer with a smug look on her face.

    “Well now that I got one more taste of you, I can’t wait for the next. See ya, I’ll wait for your call!” Ashley just turned and left. Spencer stood there stunned and watched Ashley leave.

    Ashley? How can she do that? First kiss me and when I get into it she just leaves me. Jeez I need a cold shower.’ Annoyed Spencer turned around she continued to make her way home with the tickets in her pocket.

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    1. SWEET!!!!!!! I so LOVE ASHLEY in this FF. I just hope that spencer will go with her to the NBA game and that Kyla doesn’t act RUDE to Ashley. PMS and LOVED THE UPDATE!!!!!!!!!

    2. SWEET!!!!!!! I so LOVE ASHLEY in this FF. I just hope that spencer will go with her to the NBA game and that Kyla doesn’t act RUDE to Ashley. PMS and LOVED THE UPDATE!!!!!!!!!

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