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    The Demon’s Den – (Chapter: Chapter 9)

    As if I had a choice in the matter.’ Spencer thought as Glen giggled and hugged her when Rose let her go.

    “So now shall we go? I have arranged for the lower cellar to be ours alone.” Rose opened the door to the big hall that was the first stage in the cellars. There were actually floors below ground and that where illegally dug out, so they weren’t shown on any blueprints of the building.

    There was this first floor which was pretty much one great room that looked exactly like an old medieval torture chamber, complete with the stony walls and smell of dirt in the closed in air, not to mention all the equipment everywhere.

    All around was a collection of strange contraptions that should only belong in horror movies or museums. There was harnesses hanging from the roof in some places and on one wall hung all the minor equipment.

    This room was the common place for VIP’s to bring their guests. There were also several minor cells along two of the walls to the VIP’s to use as they may. Some kept their guests there for nights to prolong their fun, others kept one there while they played with another if they brought more than one. And some just wanted privacy while played. They had to pay to use the cells since there wasn’t enough for everyone.

    When Spencer and the others entered the room Spencer’s nose and ears where at once assaulted by the smell of old as well as fresh blood and the screams from the VIP’s guests currently entertaining down there. Rose closed the big door after they where inside. Both cellar planes were soundproofed obviously. They needn’t get any uninvited guests due to the noise down there.

    What went on in this room always made Spencer cringe. This room was in fact built to look like a torture chamber. Rose had designed it himself and it was supposedly a replica of said part of his home hundreds of years ago. The devices in there were awful and they reeked of old blood and gore.

    The room was big enough for about 50 vampires with guest to play without it being crowded. They walked into the room, Rose stopped to talk to a regular about something or another. Spencer looked to her left where a piercing scream was now heard.


    1. THAT”S RIGHT SPENCER!!! do it for Ashley and Kyla. I hope that Spencer will succeed in this situation that Rose has put her in. I loved the way that you describe the torture that the humans are going through, even though, it is kinda gross. PMS and I just hope Spencer will win this bet!!!!!!!!!

    2. Hey I know you’re working on some other stories, but I would really love to see this one continue. It’s really interesting. I want to see how Spencer deals with the whole blood lust thing. PMS!PS: Photograph was amazing!

    3. THAT”S RIGHT SPENCER!!! do it for Ashley and Kyla. I hope that Spencer will succeed in this situation that Rose has put her in. I loved the way that you describe the torture that the humans are going through, even though, it is kinda gross. PMS and I just hope Spencer will win this bet!!!!!!!!!

    4. Hey I know you’re working on some other stories, but I would really love to see this one continue. It’s really interesting. I want to see how Spencer deals with the whole blood lust thing. PMS!PS: Photograph was amazing!

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