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    The Demon’s Den – (Chapter: Chapter 9)

    She saw a woman strapped up on a ladder rack (1) and had been stretched so her shoulders must have been dislocated; she was completely naked and had many bruises over her abdomen and lower regions. A male Vampire was standing in front of her with a glowing red, burning hot spider (2) in his hands and he placed the spider over her one naked breast. The woman screamed and tears flowed down her cheeks.

    But the sound she made when the man pressed the spider shut over her breast was too horrible to even begin to describe. Spencer could see the terror in her wide eyes as her breast was torn and burned. She met his eyes and Spencer swore she silently begged the man to kill her.

    Spencer looked away as the vampire who had torn her breast, put the spider down just to lick of the blood pouring out of the fresh wound. Spencer didn’t see but still heard her, her voice weak and hoarse now as she cried out in pain. Spencer couldn’t understand the need to torture and molest people that most vampires and all werewolves did.

    Spencer knew that she had yet to fall into complete bloodlust and therefor didn’t know what feelings would get stirred within her when that happened. That was also the biggest reason as to why she hated this place. The smell of all this blood and the sounds of humans screaming could drive even the strongest willed vampire into bloodlust in a moment of weakness. Spencer swore to not stoop to the utter cruelty of their level. She could never live with herself if she did this to people just to feed herself.

    Of course she knew that killing overall was wrong but she had to do it to live, whether she liked it or not. She was a predator after all; she lived of the lives of others.

    She noticed how Rose and Glen started walking again and she followed them to the end of the room where there was yet another staircase. This lead to the second cellar level that was divided into two parts, one part was like the upper level a place for playing, only this place was exclusive for Rose and his underlings. The second part and slightly smaller in size was used by the different councils out there who rented the space for punishment of those who didn’t obey their laws.


    1. THAT”S RIGHT SPENCER!!! do it for Ashley and Kyla. I hope that Spencer will succeed in this situation that Rose has put her in. I loved the way that you describe the torture that the humans are going through, even though, it is kinda gross. PMS and I just hope Spencer will win this bet!!!!!!!!!

    2. Hey I know you’re working on some other stories, but I would really love to see this one continue. It’s really interesting. I want to see how Spencer deals with the whole blood lust thing. PMS!PS: Photograph was amazing!

    3. THAT”S RIGHT SPENCER!!! do it for Ashley and Kyla. I hope that Spencer will succeed in this situation that Rose has put her in. I loved the way that you describe the torture that the humans are going through, even though, it is kinda gross. PMS and I just hope Spencer will win this bet!!!!!!!!!

    4. Hey I know you’re working on some other stories, but I would really love to see this one continue. It’s really interesting. I want to see how Spencer deals with the whole blood lust thing. PMS!PS: Photograph was amazing!

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