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    The Demon’s Den – (Chapter: Chapter 9)

    “Before that night nothing sexual of any kind had happened between us. I’ll admit I was in love with him for along time and he loves me but not in a romantic lets get married kind of way. We are good together and have promised to stay by each other’s side forever.

    “After that night my regrets of killing disappeared, I had accepted my faith and learned to enjoy it. So you see Spencer, the feeling you get from blood lust and playing is amazing. It’s like nothing else. You need to learn to like it, to love it in order to survive. That’s all there is to it.

    —End Flashback—

    He had said she had to learn to love to kill but she just wouldn’t believe that, there had to be some way to keep yourself intact. She didn’t believe that you had to torture humans in order to experience a sexual high and to satisfy your thirst. If that were the key, Spencer would rather go celibate for the rest of eternity. Besides it was human lives they fed of and they deserved some amount of respect.

    “Are you ready guys? I have this all planned.” Glen seemed like an entirely different person. His eyes were narrowed and had a red tint to them. He stood there waiting for his audience to turn to him.

    “Yes Glennie, we are ready. Now let’s enjoy the show Spencer.” Rose stood behind Spencer and held his arms around her waist as a way of holding her there. He did this to help make sure to keep Spencer locked into place. He wanted Spencer to fail so he didn’t hold on overly hard, that way it would be possible for Spencer to turn away and fail the test.

    And besides Rose would not loose this chance to be this near Spencer. He was sure that Spencer would fail and that he would finally have a chance to make her his.

    Spencer focused on Glen and the girl was tied at a Strappado (3). Instead of tying her wrists behind her back he tied them in the front and pulled at the rope so the girl’s arms were raised over her head and she stood on her toes. He tied the end of the rope to a hook on the wall.

    Glen stood on front of the girl and turned to a table at his side to pull out the first toy of the night. One might think that in this day and age a gag-ball would be kept to use to keep her quiet, but this room was a medieval one so he picked up a Scold’s Bridle (4) from the table.

    It was the simple kind, with four metal bands crossing over the head and the band going over the face split up into a triangle where the nose would be. It was still a painful thing due to the spiked tongue piece. As if that was not enough he stood by the fire with a burning stick in hand and he heated the tongue piece with the fire.

    Spencer swallowed and watched as he closed in on the girl who still had not fully woken up from the drugged buzz she had been in. Well, that thing was sure to wake her. Spencer steeled herself for the screaming about to begin.

    “Now watch closely and enjoy the ride. Trust me if you let yourself go you will experience one of the greatest thrills there are.” Rose whispered in Spencer’s ear and stood pressing their bodies together from behind.

    The scream that was heard from the girl as the heated spiked tongue piece settled in her mouth was horrible, not loud mind you but heartbreaking. The device had done it’s job by keeping the screaming hushed.

    Now Glen could begin his fun with his audience ready and the other two girls back in the cell. He smiled at the girl who cried out of pain already. Spencer felt like crying to but she wanted to hold it in.

    How was she to do this? Could she avoid turning into that? She had to try, for Kyla and for Ashley. She had to focus on the good in her life and those two seemed to be it. Yes, Ashley was a good thing, If she got out of this test with success she would call Ashley and agree to go with her to the game.

    Yes focus on that and I will make this, I swear.’


    1. THAT”S RIGHT SPENCER!!! do it for Ashley and Kyla. I hope that Spencer will succeed in this situation that Rose has put her in. I loved the way that you describe the torture that the humans are going through, even though, it is kinda gross. PMS and I just hope Spencer will win this bet!!!!!!!!!

    2. Hey I know you’re working on some other stories, but I would really love to see this one continue. It’s really interesting. I want to see how Spencer deals with the whole blood lust thing. PMS!PS: Photograph was amazing!

    3. THAT”S RIGHT SPENCER!!! do it for Ashley and Kyla. I hope that Spencer will succeed in this situation that Rose has put her in. I loved the way that you describe the torture that the humans are going through, even though, it is kinda gross. PMS and I just hope Spencer will win this bet!!!!!!!!!

    4. Hey I know you’re working on some other stories, but I would really love to see this one continue. It’s really interesting. I want to see how Spencer deals with the whole blood lust thing. PMS!PS: Photograph was amazing!

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