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    The Ground Beneath Her Feet – (Chapter: All my life)


    Also, my brother Clay is black. So bland and pointed to say it that way. My parents adopted him when he was eight, and he’s been a full and proud member of our family ever since. Sure, it raises eyebrows, the only black kid in an all white family but honestly, people can just suck sometimes. Clay is my favorite brother. You’re thinking, hey, you shouldn’t have a favorite, and maybe I shouldn’t, but my other brother is an ass. That’s ass with a capital A by the way.


    So this house, in this neighbourhood, was all I ever knew. That was until the vacant house next to mine became not vacant.


    I was twelve, and it was one of those sweet autumn days that you just love. The ones where you pile up the leaves you just raked up with your dad and then jump in them. That was the plan anyway. Clay and I were working to put the leaves together and Glen was running around with his football screaming ‘and the crowd goes wild!’. Did I mention he’s an ass?


    The moving van brought us out of our daydreaming and work. It was going to attract the attention of everyone in the street, things like that always did. This is a small neighbourhood, like I said, someone moving in is a big deal.


    Shortly after the truck pulled up, a station wagon pulled in to the curb next to the house. My dad, Clay and I put down the rakes and ambled over to the fence, watching as our new neighbours got out of the car.


    The man looked… like your average middle aged, middle class guy I guess. The woman who got out of the passenger seat looked out of place, at least for Ohio. She looked sophisticated, and from the way her nose wrinkled up at the house, she looked bored and unimpressed. I wasn’t interested in those two. As I stood, on my tiptoes staring over the fence, it was the third person who caught my eye.


    It started with a pair of sneakers, the rainbow striped ones I’d always wanted that my mother would pass up for sensible sneakers. They were followed by a set of jeans, that ran all the way up slender legs to a t-shirt that said: You don’t have to be crazy to wear this t-shirt, but it fits better than the straight jacket. I couldn’t help giggle at that. Topped off by the uncertain look of a the shy new girl on the face of a brunette with a mess of curls at the top of her head. She looked about my age.


    I admit, I wasn’t the most popular kid in town. I wasn’t the least popular by a long shot. I think that title had to go to Johnny Verschamp, the boy who ate his own scabs in public. The idea of a brand new friend, one who lived next door to me, maybe one who could be my best friend, that I liked. I’d had a best friend until we’d started seventh grade. Then Madison decided that Samantha Perry was cooler by a country mile.


    This girl, now this girl looked like she could out-cool both Madison and Samantha Perry.


    She must have noticed me peering over the fence because she looked up, as the Carlins stood like a row of scarecrows behind the wooden palings. I remember that I chanced a slight smile, a kind of, hello at her. And I got one back.


    Yup, that’s how I met her.


    Now if only I could find her again.                

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    1. First post and I’m hooked already. How do you do that? So many questions I have now. Why is Spencer trying to find Ashley? Does Ashley want to be found? Why did Ashley disappear in the first place? So many questions. I’m very impressed with you writing 3 stories. Does your brain ever get tired? Anyway, PMS (I would settle for an update on any of your stories).

    2. Ok.. Spence is looking for Ash… Why??? And we have a flashback to Ohio where Ashley moves in next door to a 12 year old Spencer, who used to be best friends with Madison… sounds like a good start to me, mate!! Keep it up and I hope you don’t get a headache from authoring (is that a word?) three fics… does that make you the master of fanfiction or the mistress of fanfiction??? Is the female version of master, mistress???? Or am I confused??? Anyway I hereby name you the Mistress of Fanfiction. LOL

    3. I always love the first post of a new story, especially one from you. lol I have to be honest, the first paragraph was depressing me a little, but I’ve come to expect great things from you and I’ve never ever been disappointed.

    4. First post and I’m hooked already. How do you do that? So many questions I have now. Why is Spencer trying to find Ashley? Does Ashley want to be found? Why did Ashley disappear in the first place? So many questions. I’m very impressed with you writing 3 stories. Does your brain ever get tired? Anyway, PMS (I would settle for an update on any of your stories).

    5. Ok.. Spence is looking for Ash… Why??? And we have a flashback to Ohio where Ashley moves in next door to a 12 year old Spencer, who used to be best friends with Madison… sounds like a good start to me, mate!! Keep it up and I hope you don’t get a headache from authoring (is that a word?) three fics… does that make you the master of fanfiction or the mistress of fanfiction??? Is the female version of master, mistress???? Or am I confused??? Anyway I hereby name you the Mistress of Fanfiction. LOL

    6. I always love the first post of a new story, especially one from you. lol I have to be honest, the first paragraph was depressing me a little, but I’ve come to expect great things from you and I’ve never ever been disappointed.

    7. that’s a righteous quest! looks like its going to be difficult, though. so glad you’re writing a new one, we are so not worthy! or at least i’m not. thank you!

    8. that’s a righteous quest! looks like its going to be difficult, though. so glad you’re writing a new one, we are so not worthy! or at least i’m not. thank you!

    9. author of the bloody year i tell you! good all. every time clom…every time you write i’m captivated. AMAZING. but then again, they’re never anything less than. how do you do it?

    10. author of the bloody year i tell you! good all. every time clom…every time you write i’m captivated. AMAZING. but then again, they’re never anything less than. how do you do it?

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