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    The Group – (Chapter: Lets meet the girls shall we [Chapter 1])

    Annie’s ‘no matter what’ friend was Carmen, the tomboy of the group, captain of the girls soccer team, as well as going out with the captain of the boys soccer team, never liked to wear dresses or skirts, actually when she went to prom, she wore a pair of jeans, with glitter on it of course, she couldn’t completely ignore looking elegant for prom. She had dirty browns straight hair, that usually looked like she straightened in the morning, but that’s the way her hair just was, naturally, straight. She had a great face, and with those dimples on her cheeks, which deceived many, thinking she was a nice girl. Which she was, to people she knew, or was close to, but not random strangers. She was already at the next level with her boyfriend, having sex, but she made sure she didn’t over do it, once every three, four weeks maybe, if he was good, she was definitely making sure she was the one that was in control in the relationship. She wasn’t exactly tall, but her slender legs that the jeans she wore usually helped show off, made her seem taller, as well as become one of the fastest people on the track team. She was also the captain of most of the sport related clubs, well rough housing sports, even tried to join wrestling, but supposedly the boys were scared of hurting a girl, when they were all truly scared of the girl beating them.

    Kyla, also know as Ashley’s little sis, was the love puppy of the group in some way, now you can’t really say she played her boyfriend, but who can blame a girl for crushing a lot. And I mean a whole lot, which is why at the moment she had no boyfriend, but she did have her eye on the football captain, as quarterback, he was in fit more than the rest of team, but the fact that she had no boyfriend also had to do with the fact she was Ashley’s little sister, no one wanted to get on Ashley’s bad side. Kyla, wasn’t short, a little taller than Carmen, but she seemed shorter, she looked a lot like Ashley surprisingly having different mothers, as Ashley would usually point out, but would defend her little sister like no other sister. And also having Ashley as a sister, helped to make sure no one touched her little sister, well not in a sexual way at all, the max anybody ever got with her, was holding hands, and that was when Ashley wasn’t around, which wasn’t often. Because although Ashley had her own place, Kyla usually stayed there with her instead of going home, to see her mom and her new boyfriend of the week. Especially since one of the boyfriends got very drunk, and had hit Kyla and tried to do some other things, if Ashley hadn’t gotten there in the nick of time. Kyla was fine of course, as she was unconscious after she got hit, and Ashley decided Kyla was better without knowing what the guy tried to do after she got hit, so as far as she knew, she was hit, and Ashley just found her on floor and took her to her house, so she just started staying there most of the time, except the weekend, when her mom insisted on seeing her step-daughter, who she really loved, like the daughter she always wanted. Because apparently Ashley wasn’t the daughter she wanted.

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