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    The Group – (Chapter: Lets meet the girls shall we [Chapter 1])

    As Carmen is Annie’s ‘no matter what’ friend, Madison was Kyla’s. Now Madison was the rich snob, well to everybody but her friends. And her boyfriend, the captain of the basketball squad, Glen, or Spencer’s big brother as most knew him. Yes, even though he was captain of the basketball squad, most people knew him as Spencer’s older brother, the group really did rule the school. Madison also the cheerleading squad captain, as well as a straight A student, of course not because of her brains, but because of her rich daddy, who without the money, the school would most likely not be up and running. Madison has dirty blonde curly hair, taller than the other girls, with, you could say, an incredibly ass, as well as great sized breasts, too earn her runner up, to the most ‘beautiful’ girl in the school. She came in a real close second, if you can say 500 votes is close, as she states. She was having regular sex with Glen, but always reminded him who was in control, and he was happy taking orders from the cheerleading captain. Especially when she wore the uniform, the incredibly short skirt, with the tight top, that really enhanced her features you could say. She enjoyed the power she had also, a little too much actually, and she took much advantage of it, as she had her lunch tray holders and book carriers from class to class.

    Now was Ashley, the rock star’s daughter, also the rebel of the group. She, like her sister, didn’t have a boyfriend at the moment. She has had her share of boyfriends, but of course, nothing serious, as she was very picky. Ashley was surely the cutest girl in the school, especially when she smiled, the one that scrunched her nose, and her eyes would open a little wider, and you could really get lost in those brown orbs. And although she did have the best smile, she wasn’t the one that beat Madison in the most ‘beautiful’ competition, even though, some would say Ashley did have a much better body, as everything seemed perfect, with Madison, it was over exaggerated, like it didn’t match or something, but Ashley was perfect, of course most say, Madison tried to rig the competition, so that’s why she beat Ashley, but of course Madison still lost. Ashley’s brown curls were the envy of most girls, as she just woke up like that, she barely ever touched her hair, let alone fixed it, it was just like that, and she was happy, that way she could sleep later in the morning, as she didn’t need time to fix her hair, like most girls. She wasn’t really much of a morning person anyway. Ashley was generally nice to people, unless you did something to hurt/annoy her or her friends, then you have just made a life long enemy, as well as high school, being the worst experience of your life. Which of course, is really something you don’t want to happen. Ashley loved music, as her dad was a rock star, and she had the music in her blood. She had her band, which she met with once every week, because she seemed like a professional on the guitar, as well as her voice, blew away everybody, as she sounded like an angel. Even though normally she had an incredibly sexy raspy voice when she talked. So she met with her band only once a week, as everybody practiced every day of the week, but she didn’t need the practice, and besides she had her friends to worry about. So during the week she took voice lessons, making sure her voice was in tip top shape.

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