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    The Group – (Chapter: Lets meet the girls shall we [Chapter 1])

    And finally Spencer, Ashley’s ‘no matter what’ friend. Spencer, was the innocent, naïve, girl of the group. Well that’s what it seemed like, and that’s how she played. But she knows what’s she doing, she knows how to get the things she wants, how to control things and people, but she did it, with that innocent and naïve look on her face, as well as her body. The body that beat Madison, in the most ‘beautiful’ competition. And Spencer definitely deserved it. She was naturally beautiful, although she did have to work on it in the morning, she just enhanced everything, as even if she didn’t fix herself in the morning, she would still have destroyed Madison in the competition. She had the blonde hair, which helped the naïve look, as long as those beautiful blue eyes, and that head tilt, which helped with the innocent look. Now don’t get me wrong, Spencer, isn’t bad at all, she is the nicest person you will ever meet, but she can practically get what she wants, any guy she wants, but she stays single, supposedly waiting for that special someone, the soul mate that everybody has. She had a gorgeous smile, definitely second to Ashley’s, and that’s how she liked it, because she loved seeing that gorgeous smile on Ashley’s face, it just brightened up her day no matter what. If you messed with Spencer, of course you messed with the group, but you especially messed with Ashley, as anything bad done to Spencer, she felt it, so she made their life a living hell, and she made sure no one made Spencer do something she wanted to. Ashley was very protective of Spencer, and Spencer wouldn’t have it any other way. Spencer, worked as a tutor after school. As she loved to help people just like her father, and she was a straight A student like Annie, some say even smarter than Annie, but Spencer, never showed it off like Annie. And she was happy like that, not too many responsibilities, no captain of clubs, she wouldn’t be able to handle the pressure. And besides her favorite student took up most of her time. The only reason her student, keeps her 4.0 G.P.A is because of Spencer, and Ashley is always grateful how much Spencer has helped her over the years. From the grades, to the drama, to just being there for one another.

    So, back to the present.

    Ashley and Spencer sat at their lunch table…

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