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    The Group – (Chapter: Lets meet the groups traditions [Chapter 2])

    See, ever since the girls first met during the first week of high school, every Friday, since they can remember they would go to the movie theatres and watch a movie, no matter how bad, or how good, it was a sort of way to make sure they all stay communicated, in some strange way. It was the first time they felt like a real group, since right after the movie, they all went to Ashley’s house and spent the night. Gossiped about their past, their experiences, and their life. And each hanged onto each other’s words for dear life.

    The first Friday night they did this is when they felt like they were real friends. When they felt they had just made those lifelong friends, well at least friends through high school. Everyone thought it was when the girls had planned their takeover of the school, which is not completely a lie, as the girls did joke about controlling the school, each having their own special ability, and each most likely going to use it to their full potential, they did think they could, of course it was a joke at first, well until everything that joked about came true.

    Annie made the science league, math league, any club having to do with school subjects, she was in, as well as elected captain, as she was outspoken and very fired up to learn new things.

    Carmen made the soccer team, first freshmen to go to states actually, as well as made the other sports, nobody knew how she controlled all the sports she did, but she did have her way, mostly by over eating, but by looking at her you couldn’t tell. She ate like nobodies business, and well she really did use the energy up, not only in sports but in talking, for most of the girls conversations.

    Kyla, who of course was Ashley’s sister, usually just followed the other girls around. Now not saying she took their shit, she was definitely made sure she was heard in the group. Just because she technically didn’t have anything to do with the ‘takeover’ if you could call it that, but of course no one knew what she had done behind the scenes. From giving confidence to all her friends, from helping them with whatever they needed, from helping Annie study, to letting Carmen take shots on goal with her being goalie, helping Madison flaunt her stuff while dancing, helping Ashley with her music lyrics, even helping Spencer teach her students.

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    1. Why did Ashley like previews more than Spencer? I’m just curious, you alluded to it but never told us. – The truth was Ashley enjoyed the previews just as much as Spencer, if not more. And it wasn’t because they were showing what new movie was soon to come out, or because they could laugh at some of the funny commercials in the previews, not even because the previews of the new Boogeyman movie were coming out with the incredibly hot Matt Cohen in the lead role. No, it was for a very strange reason, well to her it was weird, and well I guess you might think it’s weird too.

    2. Idk if Dallas1111 is going to read this, but het made a great observation, i was hoping someone would ask this, and well you’ll find out next chapter lol, it was sort of a cliff hanger in the beginning and stuff, it’s wierd to explain but don’t worry you’ll get the answer soon

    3. Why did Ashley like previews more than Spencer? I’m just curious, you alluded to it but never told us. – The truth was Ashley enjoyed the previews just as much as Spencer, if not more. And it wasn’t because they were showing what new movie was soon to come out, or because they could laugh at some of the funny commercials in the previews, not even because the previews of the new Boogeyman movie were coming out with the incredibly hot Matt Cohen in the lead role. No, it was for a very strange reason, well to her it was weird, and well I guess you might think it’s weird too.

    4. Idk if Dallas1111 is going to read this, but het made a great observation, i was hoping someone would ask this, and well you’ll find out next chapter lol, it was sort of a cliff hanger in the beginning and stuff, it’s wierd to explain but don’t worry you’ll get the answer soon

    5. wat were they waiting 4??????wat was it????i wana kno :(….pms plz i really like this story its different but a good different a different i like he he PMS

    6. wat were they waiting 4??????wat was it????i wana kno :(….pms plz i really like this story its different but a good different a different i like he he PMS

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