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    The Group – (Chapter: Lets meet the groups traditions [Chapter 2])

    Now it might not seem that much, but when it comes down to it, Annie won the captain position on the science league because of a memorization trick to help her learn the table of elements, helping Carmen by giving her some pointers on where it was more difficult for a goalie to move towards, helping Madison win the cheer off with a dance that Kyla showed Madison to win the captain position, helping Ashley write a beautiful song, and even actually helped Spencer teach a student, who Spencer even thought was hopeless. Yep, although it didn’t seem like it, Kyla had a lot to offer to her friends, and they never took it once for granted.

    Madison, of course with her cheery attitude, and shrill voice, making her sound somehow, cheerleaderish you could say. Even though she usually gets everybody’s attention with her really annoying voice and ‘porn star’ body, as most boys who go just to watch her say. This sort of gave her the leadership of basketball team, especially with the captain as your boyfriend.

    Ashley, just the fact that her dad was a rock star got her into the leadership position of mostly everyone, especially Raife fans. And not only that but her voice, it would just send you to cloud nine, whether she was singing or even just talking in that sexy, normal, flirtatious, husky voice, that could get you hot from just hearing. Not only that but she had a way with words, that for some reason, only her friends really understood, but it didn’t stop her from confusing others, but making them think what she was saying was making sense.

    This one time, she got out of a final exam, that she did promise Spencer she would study for, but her dad came into town, and she couldn’t pass up hanging with her father. Of course Spencer understood, and along with Spencer, Ashley talked her way out of taking the final exam. She threw in a ‘sorry’ an ‘it won’t happen again’ here and there. A week later she took the test and aced it with Spencer of course helping her study.

    Spencer, of course another smooth talker, but mostly used her looks to her advantage. Always getting what she wants, just with her smile and the way she tilted that head of hers, and the way she shifted her body when she asked you something, made it impossible to say no to her. Unlike Ashley though, who confused you with those simple words put together, used her vocabulary quite to an extent, confusing people with words that were barely even used in the English language, but when she spoke, you were so sure you knew that word that was just said. It was really weird the way she could work people. Of course not really using it for ‘evil’ but for good mostly.

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    1. Why did Ashley like previews more than Spencer? I’m just curious, you alluded to it but never told us. – The truth was Ashley enjoyed the previews just as much as Spencer, if not more. And it wasn’t because they were showing what new movie was soon to come out, or because they could laugh at some of the funny commercials in the previews, not even because the previews of the new Boogeyman movie were coming out with the incredibly hot Matt Cohen in the lead role. No, it was for a very strange reason, well to her it was weird, and well I guess you might think it’s weird too.

    2. Idk if Dallas1111 is going to read this, but het made a great observation, i was hoping someone would ask this, and well you’ll find out next chapter lol, it was sort of a cliff hanger in the beginning and stuff, it’s wierd to explain but don’t worry you’ll get the answer soon

    3. Why did Ashley like previews more than Spencer? I’m just curious, you alluded to it but never told us. – The truth was Ashley enjoyed the previews just as much as Spencer, if not more. And it wasn’t because they were showing what new movie was soon to come out, or because they could laugh at some of the funny commercials in the previews, not even because the previews of the new Boogeyman movie were coming out with the incredibly hot Matt Cohen in the lead role. No, it was for a very strange reason, well to her it was weird, and well I guess you might think it’s weird too.

    4. Idk if Dallas1111 is going to read this, but het made a great observation, i was hoping someone would ask this, and well you’ll find out next chapter lol, it was sort of a cliff hanger in the beginning and stuff, it’s wierd to explain but don’t worry you’ll get the answer soon

    5. wat were they waiting 4??????wat was it????i wana kno :(….pms plz i really like this story its different but a good different a different i like he he PMS

    6. wat were they waiting 4??????wat was it????i wana kno :(….pms plz i really like this story its different but a good different a different i like he he PMS

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