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    The Group – (Chapter: Lets meet the groups traditions [Chapter 2])

    Such as in teaching, tutoring kids who just couldn’t understand the material. She was just as smart as Annie, if not, smarter, but she was a very shy girl, and preferred the one on one teaching. As she did teach most of the lesson of the school year to herself, instead of wasting time, and making teachers confuse her with the sometimes wrong information. Everybody knew her, everybody liked her, nobody could possibly hate this angel, which just helped with the power she had.

    And with all this, these girls, ruled the school you could say. They knew everything that was happening, everything everyone was saying, and everything everyone was doing. Who was going out with who, who was friends with who, as well as who had drama with another person, which they tried to fix. The only thing they hated more than fights between themselves, which lasted about an hour on average, was other people having problems, especially over stupid things, such as wearing the same dress to a party, even because the person is going out with another’s ex. They didn’t want it in their school, they didn’t want it affecting other people, so if you had a problem either you had it fixed, or you lived with it, and made the best of it.

    So the start of all this was a simple Friday night, where the girls met, each thinking the others wouldn’t even show. They watched the movie, laughed when it was funny, jumped when it was scary, cried when it was sad. They liked each other’s company, although it seemed awkward at first. After the movie they then headed over to Ashley’s. They had a slumber party, and that is how it all started. No secrets, as for some strange reason they felt completely comfortable with each other, enough to trust each other with their deepest darkest secret.

    After that, every Friday they would do the same exact thing, and there were rules of course. No boys, lots of junk food, and of course no secrets. It was a sort of tradition sort of thing now a days. But they still went through with it, sure there were some missed, because of family, school, life in general. They all had their missed ones, but they rarely had them, but you can’t always predict life. There were no missed ones without a good reason, because well, each knew when the other lied, so it was impossible to make up reasons to not show up.

    The no boy’s law was implemented when Annie got her boyfriend that eventually cheated on her. She promised no matter what, their Friday’s were sacred, no boys, and from then on it went for everybody. You had every other day of the week to hang with your boyfriend that was if you weren’t hanging with the group, the only day you really didn’t see them together was on Sunday, as it was the girl’s day to do whatever they want, that was when they usually were with each of their boyfriends.

    Sure most boyfriends wouldn’t put up with that, but most boys wouldn’t have the privilege of having these girls as girlfriends. They weren’t like any other girls, it was a package, you went out with one of them, you better make sure, the rest of them like you, because if not you’re out. And with the girls making sure your worthy of their friend, you had some sort of limited power, as of course you were the boyfriend, to one of the girls from the group.

    Each girl went their separate way, Kyla following Madison today, as each day she followed one of her friends to cheer them on in whatever they were doing. Spencer and Ashley walked down the hall, they came to their intersection. Spencer would head to the left towards the library, while Ashley would head to the music room. They smiled at each other, as Ashley tucked a piece of hair behind Spencer’s ear before leaning in and giving her a kiss on the cheek, that anybody could see, was not at all meant to be friendly, both girls blushed lightly as they went they’re separate ways.

    Both turning around at the same time as Ashley sent a wink at Spencer and Spencer just smiled back. As today was Friday night, but not just any Friday night. The Friday night Ashley and Spencer had been waiting for the last 3 weeks, and it was finally here.

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    1. Why did Ashley like previews more than Spencer? I’m just curious, you alluded to it but never told us. – The truth was Ashley enjoyed the previews just as much as Spencer, if not more. And it wasn’t because they were showing what new movie was soon to come out, or because they could laugh at some of the funny commercials in the previews, not even because the previews of the new Boogeyman movie were coming out with the incredibly hot Matt Cohen in the lead role. No, it was for a very strange reason, well to her it was weird, and well I guess you might think it’s weird too.

    2. Idk if Dallas1111 is going to read this, but het made a great observation, i was hoping someone would ask this, and well you’ll find out next chapter lol, it was sort of a cliff hanger in the beginning and stuff, it’s wierd to explain but don’t worry you’ll get the answer soon

    3. Why did Ashley like previews more than Spencer? I’m just curious, you alluded to it but never told us. – The truth was Ashley enjoyed the previews just as much as Spencer, if not more. And it wasn’t because they were showing what new movie was soon to come out, or because they could laugh at some of the funny commercials in the previews, not even because the previews of the new Boogeyman movie were coming out with the incredibly hot Matt Cohen in the lead role. No, it was for a very strange reason, well to her it was weird, and well I guess you might think it’s weird too.

    4. Idk if Dallas1111 is going to read this, but het made a great observation, i was hoping someone would ask this, and well you’ll find out next chapter lol, it was sort of a cliff hanger in the beginning and stuff, it’s wierd to explain but don’t worry you’ll get the answer soon

    5. wat were they waiting 4??????wat was it????i wana kno :(….pms plz i really like this story its different but a good different a different i like he he PMS

    6. wat were they waiting 4??????wat was it????i wana kno :(….pms plz i really like this story its different but a good different a different i like he he PMS

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