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    The Group – (Chapter: Lets meet the long awaited late lunch [Chapter 8])

    “Because you decided to use 5 towels for your shower” She just smiled as she answered, and went to go look for what she was going to wear.

    “Feel free to enjoy the view though” Spencer accepted the offer as she watched Ashley sway her hips all the way into her walk-in closet.

    Spencer looked at her watch, they had time. She walked over to the closet, closed the two sliding doors and all you could hear were moans, and if you listened close enough you could hear both the girls hearts beating at the same time. Oh yeah they were made for each other.

    Of course what didn’t make this any easier was there was a huge hickey on Ashley neck, and Madison of course could spot a hickey from miles away, it was a special power. So not only would they have to go through the explanation of their new found relationship, even though it wasn’t really that new, they had been dancing around each other for so long now, but Ashley had to explain how she got the hickey before, and then of course after Spencer and Ashley tell their friends about them.

    Well it really wasn’t Spencer’s fault, you have a naked Ashley in front of you and you do nothing to her. Good luck. And apparently Spencer lost her shyness because Ashley had never seen Spencer as hungry as she was in the closet. Hands everywhere, well almost everywhere, but Spencer was busy squeezing Ashley’s ass to really pay attention to the part where Ashley really wanted her, and she knew the time would come, and she knew she was new to this but she was never so sure of anything in her life.

    She wanted Spencer, and she wanted her bad, and waiting for Spencer would eventually pay off. So that’s what she would do, hell she was going to be as, if not more nervous that Spencer.

    And then Spencer’s phone broke the silence between the girls, the very comfortable silence, the lets make out look silence that was going on.

    “Hey Maddy” Ashley tried to listen in, maybe they weren’t coming, maybe they could keep it a secret a day longer, maybe just a couple hours longer, before everything exploded in their faces.


    1. so how come i never read ths before? o well i liked it but maybe i should go back and read the beging so itll make a bit more sence lol why did crmen want them to kiss? strange lol pms please :)

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