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    The Group – (Chapter: Lets meet the long awaited late lunch [Chapter 8])

    “Ok, we’ll be right there” Spencer closed the phone and got out of the booth holding her hand out for Ashley to grab on to it.

    “They say they have something to show us first” So Ashley wasn’t as lucky as she thought, it’s not that she wanted to keep Spencer a secret, but the truth was she was scared, way more scared than she showed to Spencer, god she couldn’t lose her best friends, her sister, her family. But then she looked at Spencer holding out her hand and she decided then and there. It was totally worth it.

    They walked outside looking for the girls and they saw them, standing next to a cardboard cutout, of nothing other than Ashley in the princess dress that Spencer had taken the night before. Spencer couldn’t help but bust out laughing as she grabbed her sides, they were about to burst. Soon followed by Madison, then Carmen, then Anany, and finally Kyla. Ashley went into her purse pulled out a pocket knife and started ripping the cardboard cut out to shreds.

    The other girls watched with even more amusement, they knew the cardboard cutout was funny, but the reaction from Ashley was what they wanted to really see.

    “I hate you guys” She smirked at the other girls.

    “You can keep that one, we each have one on or rooms, and we have one for Spencer too.” They said between giggles.

    Ashley just stood there, watching her best friends laugh, trying to hold back her own laughter. She swore even if they accepted her and Spencer, she didn’t want to be friends with them anymore. It was a joke of course, which just made her laugh out loud with the rest of the girls.

    “Let’s go eat something” Kyla smiled as she led the group to the diner.

    As they headed over they heard Aiden, a kid from their school scream out.

    “Fuck you, you stupid dyke” He said as he pushed the girl away from her. It was his girlfriend, well now his ex. She walked into the arms of another girl. And she just cried on her shoulder. Aiden just stood by his car with his friends, as his friend gave him condolences he just brushed them off and called her a ‘slut’ under his breath, but loud enough for everyone to hear.


    1. so how come i never read ths before? o well i liked it but maybe i should go back and read the beging so itll make a bit more sence lol why did crmen want them to kiss? strange lol pms please :)

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