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    The Group – (Chapter: Lets meet the long awaited late lunch [Chapter 8])

    “No, not you, you get us the usual please” She smiled at the man as he just smiled back.

    “You guys need to give us a couple minutes to register this.” Kyla said as she knew everyone needed a couple of minutes. But the fact that she ordered everybody’s food was a good thing. It meant they were all going to stay. And at least talk about it, well that was until.

    “Carmen move” Madison said as she basically pushed the girl out of the booth.

    “Ow, okay god” She said as all the girls looked at Madison walk away and out the door.

    “Ugh” Was all Ashley said as she put her head on the table.

    “Look outside” Was call Carmen had to say for Ashley to whip her head around and look outside with the other 5 girls. There was Madison screaming at the top of her lungs to Aiden.

    “Say you’re fucking sorry” And when Aiden refused next thing the girls saw was Madison throw a punch right in the guys face. He was on the floor, blood already on the floor next to his face.

    Then Madison walked inside and headed to the bathroom. As they all stared at the bathroom door waiting for the girl to walk out. She did with a paper towel drying her hands.

    She sat down and took a sip of her water as she just acted as if nothing happened. The other 5 girls looking at her with their mouths wide open.

    “What?” She asked nonchalantly. Carmen giggled to herself. As Anany and Kyla just smiled to themselves.

    Ashley and Spencer just let out a breath and smiled at each other, then to the others.

    “Kiss” Carmen said. It sounded like a command.

    Ashley and Spencer looked at each other quizzically, not sure what to do.

    “Kiss, or so help me god I will kick both your asses”

    Not wanting to be at the end of a Carmen ass kicking the two girls met their lips for probably the thousand times within the last 24 hours.

    “Ok, ok, I said kiss, not full blown make out.” She said as she chuckled. Followed by Madison, Kyla, and Anany.

    They broke apart, they didn’t know why she had asked for them to kiss but Carmen was always slightly weird.

    “That was hot” She added a sizzle at the end as their food arrived and they all digged in.

    All in a comfortable silence. All silently understanding each other, Spencer and Ashley were about to go through hell, but thankfully, they were going to have the people that really mattered by their sides.


    1. so how come i never read ths before? o well i liked it but maybe i should go back and read the beging so itll make a bit more sence lol why did crmen want them to kiss? strange lol pms please :)

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