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    The Group – (Chapter: Lets meet the longest car ride ever [Chapter 4])

    So, of course the really bad luck of Ashley and Spencer, they were having a two person sleep over. Just the two of them, if you didn’t know any better, you would think it was going to be one of the most boring sleepovers ever, especially if it used to having 6 people.

    What could they possibly do in Ashley’s house, all alone, all night, just the two of them, with no one distracting them, no one possibly interrupting their night’s activities, well they could do a lot of things.

    They could watch movies and snuggle closely into each other, I mean that is what friends do, and they are there to protect you from the scary.

    They could eat out, you know like Chinese food, you perverts. They could just talk all night, I mean they practically did it every night, talking each other to sleep, of course now they could talk each other to sleep in person, closer than a satellite signal can allow.

    I guess we will find out later, as they reach Annie’s house, Annie and Kyla both said their good-bye’s as they hugged their friends, each friend getting the same hug and kiss on the cheek as the other’s. With that Madison scooted over and looked at Spencer who was of course on Ashley’s lap

    Spencer reluctantly got off and moved in between Ashley and Madison, but not without brushing Ashley’s hand on the way, oh and you can’t ignore the part where Ashley linked her pinky with Spencer’s, of course a smile immediately reached Spencer’s face, as she enjoyed the pinky link, it was the little things that made her most happy with Ashley, it’s what made them best friends.

    Now it might have been 3 minutes, but definitely not more than 5 minutes to get to Madison’s house, but ask Ashley or Spencer how long they took to get there, they would honestly have said it had taken at least an hour.

    Madison smiled big and gave her friends each their hug and that kiss on the cheek, of course full on friendly love, all their interactions were like that, I mean they were the best of friends, and nothing would get in the way of that, sure they were all different, but that’s why they all meshed so well together.


    1. u cunt licker CMON!!!how culd u stop there???grrr…well the good thing is is i loved the update…it rawked my panties…ha ha i just felt like saying that dnt ask y…well PMS!!!

    2. u cunt licker CMON!!!how culd u stop there???grrr…well the good thing is is i loved the update…it rawked my panties…ha ha i just felt like saying that dnt ask y…well PMS!!!

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