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    The Group – (Chapter: Lets meet the longest car ride ever [Chapter 4])

    As Madison headed up her driveway, Carmen looked into the rearview mirror and saw Spencer and Ashley looking outside the window, making sure Madison got through her front door, as if something bad was going to happen on her way to her front door.

    Of course it was making the time inside the car longer, you know waiting for their friend to get inside their house, but they had done the same thing with Kyla and Annie a few minutes ago, and they just had to make sure nothing happened to their friends on the way to their humble abodes.

    It was just a routine thing, they never even really noticed they were doing it, it just happened, I guess that’s what usually happens, when you care about someone, you make the time to take care of them, and make sure they’re all right at all times.

    Ashley could use this excuse why she always calls Spencer, just to make sure Spencer’s okay, of course, Ashley knows it’s just to hear Spencer’s voice, the voice that makes her smile no matter what, she can’t help but smile when the blonde angel speaks.

    Whenever Ashley drops Spencer off at her house, she calls the blonde, to make sure she made it home, sure she watched Spencer walk into her house, but she always had to make sure, now it could be because she just wants to make sure Spencer is okay inside, and hasn’t got into a fight with her mom, which they tend to do a lot, but Ashley knows it just because if they do get into a fight, Ashley would be first to go comfort Spencer, and just hug her and tell her everything was going to be okay.

    Does it make Ashley a bad person, to secretly wish that Spencer gets into a fight with her mother, just so she could be their for her, does it make her a horrible friend to wish her friend to get hurt, just so she can be there to pick her friend up. Does it?

    Of course Spencer and her mom wouldn’t fight as much if she didn’t spend so much time with that Ashley girl, out of all her friends, Paula doesn’t like Ashley the most, and it really has no background to the hate, it’s just I don’t like you sort of thing, it just she doesn’t seem like a friend her daughter should have, maybe that’s why Spencer chose Ashley to get closest to, just to piss her mom off, or it could’ve been that she was so drawn into the brunette, she knew their would be more than just a friendship there.


    1. u cunt licker CMON!!!how culd u stop there???grrr…well the good thing is is i loved the update…it rawked my panties…ha ha i just felt like saying that dnt ask y…well PMS!!!

    2. u cunt licker CMON!!!how culd u stop there???grrr…well the good thing is is i loved the update…it rawked my panties…ha ha i just felt like saying that dnt ask y…well PMS!!!

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