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    The Group – (Chapter: Lets meet the longest car ride ever [Chapter 4])

    It was from Carmen of course. Both girls soon found themselves in a comfortable silence as their laughing soon subsided.

    Soon both of them tired of the silence, reached for the radio, now it really couldn’t have been planned out better as their hands met and immediately became entangled and placed right in the middle of the two, now for some reason the silence really didn’t bother them anymore.

    As they drove, and drove, and drove, they finally seemed to reach their destination. All they needed was that stupid, stupid, stupid red light to turn green. Any second now, and freaking second now. Ashley both hands on the steering wheel now, and her foot just millimeters off of the gas pedal, just waiting for that red light to turn that shade of green, the green that would get these two girls to Ashley house.

    Now to say Spencer wasn’t just as anxious to get to Ashley’s house as Ashley was would be wrong, she stared at the green light that allowed the cars going horizontally, but it wouldn’t turn red, not even yellow, nothing.

    And there it was, the green light turning yellow. Spencer smiled and tapped Ashley on the shoulder pointing at the yellow light, Ashley smiled now really paying close attention to the red light, and as soon as it turned green, Ashley was off, from 0 to 60 in 6.3 seconds my ass. Well that’s what was going through Ashley’s mind, it felt like 10 seconds to her, when in reality, it was 6.2 seconds, yes, she just did the impossible, getting a car from 0 to 60 in less than the time that it is said to reach that 60.

    In one smooth move Ashley parked the car in her driveway. She turned the car off and took the keys out of the ignition. They were here, finally, they made it, and in 13 minutes since that stupid phone call Carmen got. But I assume you get the fact that it felt longer to the two girls who just sat there and watched Ashley’s front door.

    They both got out and headed towards the door, both walking so slowly, it kind of contradicted the way they got here, so incredibly fast, and now they were taking their time.

    Ashley pulled out her keys and opened the door and waited for Spencer to enter. They both got in and Ashley closed the door behind them. Both of them walking into the kitchen, and getting their normal refreshments for the night, even if it was the two of them.

    Ashley pulled out the jar full of kool-aid, and I guess when your nervous and you’re hand are sweaty you really should pull out a jar of anything, as the jar slipped and shattered on the floor.

    “Crap” Ashley mumbled to herself. She grabbed some paper towels and kneeled down starting to clean up her mess as well as placing the glass in a pile making sure she didn’t get cut.

    Soon enough Spencer was on her knees with some more paper and a sponge. They both carefully removed the glass before cleaning up the kool-aid. They eventually met in the middle of the kitchen, very little left to clean as they both placed the glass in that pile that Ashley had started and both looked at each other.

    They looked into each other’s eyes, both looking at each other’s lips, then again at their eyes. Both leaning in at the same time and both stopping just centimeters apart.

    “That was a long car ride huh?” Ashley broke the silence, as they continued their staring contest.

    “Longest car ride ever” Spencer replied as they both leaned in and met in the middle.


    1. u cunt licker CMON!!!how culd u stop there???grrr…well the good thing is is i loved the update…it rawked my panties…ha ha i just felt like saying that dnt ask y…well PMS!!!

    2. u cunt licker CMON!!!how culd u stop there???grrr…well the good thing is is i loved the update…it rawked my panties…ha ha i just felt like saying that dnt ask y…well PMS!!!

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