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    The Group – (Chapter: Lets meet the mushy [Chapter 5])

    “Ash, I have to get my phone” Spencer said walking away but once again Ashley pulled her hand. And Spencer couldn’t get her hand out of Ashley’s, and well Ashley wasn’t putting much effort into the pulling of Spencer, Spencer just really didn’t want to let go of Ashley’s hand.

    “Ok” she said as got on the floor and she straddled the brunette and they continued kissing, this time hands becoming more confident. Moving around the body, but not at all in a sleazy way, they were admiring each other, wanting to touch every part of each other, memorizing it, so they would never forget it.

    This time Ashley broke the kiss, she didn’t take a big breathe before the kiss, so she had to breathe. This time Spencer quickly got up and headed to the living room, hoping to see who called her, hoping it wasn’t her mother, because when she didn’t answer when her mom answered, her mom immediately thought something was wrong, cue the panic attack her mom would get.


    It was her mom, and she had to call her back before the police showed up at Ashley’s house asking if she knew where Spencer was.

    “Mom” She said as she heard someone answer the phone on the other line.

    “Honey, where were you, I was worried” Paula said as she let out a breath, she was truly worried something had happened to her daughter.

    “I’m fine mom, I just had my phone in my bag, and so I didn’t hear it” Spencer lied quite persuasively.

    “Okay honey, just making sure you’re okay”

    “I’m fine mom, love you” Spencer waited for the ‘I love you too’ before hanging up and heading back to the kitchen.

    There was Ashley, looking at the floor, it was spotless, apparently she was admiring her cleaning job, and she actually thought about making it a sort of shrine, I mean the stupid kool-aid got her, her first kiss with Spencer.

    She was brought out of her admiring of her good cleaning job by two arms around her waist, oh she could definitely get used to this.

    “So, what do you want to do now?” The blonde asked the brunette, who was getting comfortable in Spencer’s arms.

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    1. i saying yaaay! to alot of authors today and you are one of them of course juicy. i’ve been hoping for an update on your fic. i hate it when a story is left unfinished. it bugs the hell out of me. but yaaay!! again cause you’re back and as always have brought with you a awesome update.pms!!

    2. i saying yaaay! to alot of authors today and you are one of them of course juicy. i’ve been hoping for an update on your fic. i hate it when a story is left unfinished. it bugs the hell out of me. but yaaay!! again cause you’re back and as always have brought with you a awesome update.pms!!

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