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    The Group – (Chapter: Lets meet the mushy [Chapter 5])

    “Want to watch a movie?” Ashley asked, turning around, her breathing starting to get heavier as she found herself only inches away from Spencer’s lips. Could she kiss them again, should she? I mean sure they already had kissed, but maybe she just couldn’t kiss the girl when she felt like it. For all she knew Spencer was regretting the kiss, maybe she wanted to act as if nothing happened, and kissing her would not help that.

    But those lips were just there asking to be kissed, those luscious lips just there all wet and wanting to be bitten, sucked on, bruised, and all that other good stuff.

    Ashley’s stupid questions were soon answered as the blonde went in for the kiss, her arms getting tighter around the smaller girl’s waist as they slightly intensified the kiss. Spencer bit down and pulled the brunette’s bottom lip as she pulled away from Ashley and licked her lips, trying to get any left over Ashley that was left on those lips.

    “Can we watch my favorite, favorite movie” The blonde asked as she stuck out her bottom lip, knowing the brunette could never turn down the pout, she technically had one up on the brunette in this, whatever they had.

    “Ugh, I hate you and your stupid Notebook movie fetish” She said with an exaggerating sigh and walked into the living room. Sure Ashley liked the movie, but to watch it 11 hours straight on TBS 24-hour marathon of the stupid movie, that was pushing it quite a bit.

    She walked over to the cabinet that had all of Spencer’s favorite movies, of course her favorite, favorite being The Notebook. Having her best friend’s favorite movies in a small cabinet wasn’t weird was it?

    “You know you love it” Spencer said as she walked into the living room and sitting on the couch, watching Ashley pressing the over abundance of buttons on the stereo system. So Ashley liked loud things, especially loud movies, it like made you feel like you were actually there.

    But out of all the loud things she liked, was Spencer, I mean sure the girl usually spoke in a low calm voice, but when she wanted to get her point across, or when she thought she was right she would raise her voice, and that’s when Ashley felt the feeling between her legs, when the girl would take control, and maybe that’s what she liked, that’s what she wanted, she wanted someone else to be in control.

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    1. i saying yaaay! to alot of authors today and you are one of them of course juicy. i’ve been hoping for an update on your fic. i hate it when a story is left unfinished. it bugs the hell out of me. but yaaay!! again cause you’re back and as always have brought with you a awesome update.pms!!

    2. i saying yaaay! to alot of authors today and you are one of them of course juicy. i’ve been hoping for an update on your fic. i hate it when a story is left unfinished. it bugs the hell out of me. but yaaay!! again cause you’re back and as always have brought with you a awesome update.pms!!

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