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    The Group – (Chapter: Lets meet the mushy [Chapter 5])

    “Yes, yes I do” She said as she walked over to the blonde, looking deep into her eyes, and sitting on the girl’s lap. Maybe she didn’t want someone in control, maybe she just wanted someone to take care of her for once, worry about her and how she was doing, be there in a second if she needed something, and that’s what Spencer did, there in a second flat, no questions asked.

    Or maybe, Ashley wanted both.

    They just sat there, Spencer’s arms around the smaller girl’s waist, tightening the grip when a happy part came up, kissing the brunette’s neck when an ‘I love you’ was said, and a crying into the girls neck when a sad part came on.

    The movie had ended for a while now, but neither girl wanting to break the contact they had, it wasn’t in the most comfortable position, but they were there, together, and they couldn’t ask for a better position.

    Ashley finally got up form Spencer’s lap turning off the TV and heading back to the couch, but this time lying down on the other end of the couch. Immediately Spencer felt bad, thinking Ashley didn’t want to be next to her, maybe Ashley was regretting it this time.

    “Come here” Ashley said as she opened her arms as she waited for Spencer to come closer.

    Spencer immediately snuggling up to Ashley, as the brunette played with her hair and the intertwined their free hands.

    “I like it when you’re on top” Ashley said.

    “So you like to be on the bottom Ms. Davies” Spencer replied, smirking at her own comment.

    “Cute, real cute Spence” She said as she continued playing with the blonde locks.

    “You know what I mean” The brunette added, hoping Spencer didn’t look at her, if not the blonde would see the current shade of red Ashley’s face had.

    “You know” Ashley stopped what she was saying, immediately, causing Spencer to look up at the brunette, wondering what she was about to say, hoping it had nothing to do with regretting or pretending nothing ever happened.

    “What?” Spencer asked casually, well as casually as she could.

    “Never mind, it’s too like mushy” Ashley said as she now used both hands to start braiding the blonde’s hair.

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    1. i saying yaaay! to alot of authors today and you are one of them of course juicy. i’ve been hoping for an update on your fic. i hate it when a story is left unfinished. it bugs the hell out of me. but yaaay!! again cause you’re back and as always have brought with you a awesome update.pms!!

    2. i saying yaaay! to alot of authors today and you are one of them of course juicy. i’ve been hoping for an update on your fic. i hate it when a story is left unfinished. it bugs the hell out of me. but yaaay!! again cause you’re back and as always have brought with you a awesome update.pms!!

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