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    The Group – (Chapter: Lets meet the mushy [Chapter 5])

    “Aw, Ashley Davies is a romantic” Spencer cooed at the girl as she sat up and turned around to look at the girl.

    “Tell me” Spencer demanded, but keeping her flirty voice.

    “No” Ashley trying to avoid what she was about to say, it was way to mushy, she would not be caught dead saying it.

    Of course Spencer using her famous pout got to Ashley, and soon she was trying to explain what she was about to say.

    “Well I was going to ask you what my favorite color is” Ashley said looking down and then back at Spencer’s eyes.

    “Purple” Spencer said way too quickly, well she did know the girl like the back of her hand.

    “No” Ashley said thinking this was actually going to work, she was actually going to be all mushy, and it was going to work.

    Of course Spencer, quickly thought about it, Ashley wanting to be all mushy, it was way too easy.

    “Let me guess, blue, like my eyes” Too easy Spencer thought to herself, even if she did know it, it was still cute.

    “No, it’s SC Red” The small brunette said, smiling to herself, Spencer was just too predictable, she knew the girl would think that.

    “What’s SC Red?” Spencer asked quite curiously, where could this be heading.

    “Spencer Carlin Red” Ashley said in such a low voice, she wasn’t even sure if the girl had heard her, but of course she heard her.

    “And what’s Spencer Carlin Red” The blonde asked, hoping to get a more specific answer.

    “It’s the color your cheeks turn when you blush, it’s just gorgeous” Of course Spencer blushed, that was incredibly cute.

    “That the color” Ashley said as she pointed at Spencer’s face and smiled.

    “And my favorite smell is Honey Vanilla Shampoo” She said as Spencer grabbed her hair, that was the shampoo that Ashley gave her a while ago, of course she bought that shampoo from then on, not just because it smelled so good, but because Ashley had given it to her.

    “And my favorite taste is cherry” Ashley quickly added, yep, that was Spencer’s lip gloss flavor.

    Of course Spencer jumped on Ashley attacking the lips, sucking, biting, bruising, and all that other good stuff was occurring.

    And you did really have to give Ashley props, what she said was incredibly mushy.

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    1. i saying yaaay! to alot of authors today and you are one of them of course juicy. i’ve been hoping for an update on your fic. i hate it when a story is left unfinished. it bugs the hell out of me. but yaaay!! again cause you’re back and as always have brought with you a awesome update.pms!!

    2. i saying yaaay! to alot of authors today and you are one of them of course juicy. i’ve been hoping for an update on your fic. i hate it when a story is left unfinished. it bugs the hell out of me. but yaaay!! again cause you’re back and as always have brought with you a awesome update.pms!!

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