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    The Group – (Chapter: Lets meet the past [Chapter 3])

    And this ‘fetish’ started about a year ago. They were watching a scary movie, of course it was Carmen’s choice, her and her horror movies. They sat in their usual seats, Spencer on the far left, Ashley to her right, Kyla next to Ashley, Madison right by Kyla, Annie by Madison, and finally Carmen on the far right next to Annie.

    And as they watched, the rest of the girls watched the innocent Spencer Carlin jump at almost every even remotely scary part of the movie, even in some parts where there was nothing going on.

    But there was the main scene, where the main character, of course a girl, was in her house and she had heard something in the basement. She went down and the killer popped out of nowhere. With that Spencer immediately took Ashley’s hand.

    It was just a reaction, what do you do when you’re scared, you hold on to your safety net you could say. Whatever keeps you safe, you hold on to it in the most scariest of times, even the fictional ones. Ashley looked over at Spencer and Spencer faced Ashley as soon as they felt the electricity running between them both.

    They looked down quickly to their hands and at the same time went back to watching the movie. If you asked the girls at what time they intertwined their fingers, neither would know, it just happened. They basically held hands throughout the rest of the movie, of course the rest of the girls wondered why Spencer hadn’t been jumping out of her seat when a scary part was seen on the giant screen.

    Of course neither of the other girls knew both Ashley and Spencer were paying more attention on their hands, even if they were both facing the screen. Neither knew that Spencer and Ashley were getting a high from the hand holding they were doing.

    As the movie came to an end, the hands slowly broke apart, and both girls walked with their friends to their car, sat in that uncomfortable position in the back seat, and each talked about the movie as the two girls that had been holding hands acted as if nothing had happened.

    Of course the nest week came, and the girls again went to see another scary movie, you could tell Carmen and Annie were best friends, they had the same exact taste, of course the reason Annie chose another scary movie.

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