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    The Group – (Chapter: Lets meet the past [Chapter 3])

    The girls sat in their usual seats. All talking before the movie started, just talking about the reviews the movie had gotten, the thing around school that had been said about the movie around school. Each girl paying attention to the others talking, neither noticing Ashley and Spencer looking at each other, just staring into each other’s eyes.

    They had been doing that for the past week. Each secretly glancing at each other, of course who notices that sort of stuff. Everyone has their own problems to realize what’s going on around them. Instead of just stopping for a quick minute and just taking control, everyone just lived too fast paced.

    The movie previews started up as they all ended their sentences quickly before looking at the screen. Ashley using both her arm rests, Ashley had to have her arm rests to be comfortable, so Kyla and Spencer were stuck with just one each, and so was every other girl, except Ashley of course.

    But this time is different, Ashley arm on the arm rest on Spencer’s side, was there, but her hand dangled off of it. Ashley never did this, she always just usually rested her elbows on the arm rest, of course the occasional whole arm, but mostly just her elbows.

    Ashley looked at Spencer who could feel Ashley staring at her, looked at Ashley and smiled. She just smiled back and then quickly looked down at her hand before turning back to the movie.

    Spencer looked down and saw Ashley’s hand just hanging there, wanting to be touched. She knew Ashley wanted it, she could read the girl’s mind like no one else.

    Spencer quickly slouched in her chair and made her self more comfortable, and her hands basically hidden from view.

    Eventually her hand came from under the armrest as she fingers started playing with Ashley’s. Just touching, and the occasional holding them, just pulling softly, rubbing them, even feeling them up, yes it is possible to feel up someone’s fingers.

    Ashley grabbed Spencer’s hand and intertwined their fingers. Each smiling to themselves they just continued watching the movie.

    The movie ended again, and once again the hands broke apart as if it was as easy as it sounded. Trust me it took everything the girls had in themselves to break the contact.

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