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    The Group – (Chapter: Lets meet the past [Chapter 3])

    As they walked back to the car, Kyla and Madison kept complaining about the amount of popcorn they had, even if they did share a medium popcorn and a medium soda, they couldn’t have felt more full.

    Each saying they felt as if they were going to explode, which of course by looking at them you could tell it was impossible, they were skinny, of course not anorexic skinny, just skinny enough to look incredible, and just plump enough to look gorgeous, just enough so they’re assets could be shown off.

    They kept complaining and of course Spencer the smart, and sweet girl I might add had a bright idea.

    As they got in the car, Ashley got in first followed by Spencer and then Madison and Kyla. Spencer sat on Ashley’s lap as the other two other girls took their normal seats. They looked at Spencer on Ashley’s lap and they both thanked Spencer.

    “Thanks Spence, I thing I would’ve thrown up if I was being squished again” Kyla said as she pushed Madison, taking advantage of the room she now had.

    Madison pushed the girl back before quickly smiling and moving over towards the middle and each girl appreciating the space they now had, but of course Ashley and Spencer both appreciated it much more.

    “Is this all right?” Spencer asked Ashley who just had that look of shock, but not bad shock, a happy shock, if that’s even possible.

    “Uh, of course, yeah” She said not knowing exactly what to say, and trying not to sound to eager.

    “Good” Spencer whispered into the girls ear, little too close for comfort, well actually, if Spencer had gotten a little closer Ashley wouldn’t have minded. Nope, not one little bit.

    The next week came, and again Spencer sat on Ashley’s lap, just making sure everyone else was comfortable, and again they held hands during the movie, and they enjoyed every moment of it.

    Thus started the love for previews by Spencer, she would cherish every extra minute of hand holding she would get with Ashley, and Ashley loved the previews just as much for that reason. She just never admitted it, but she did, maybe even more then Spencer.

    From that day on, Spencer just sat on Ashley’s lap on the way to and back from the movies, they would have those secret hand holding sessions during the movie, and they would of course act as if nothing.

    Sure you could say both girls were scared, you could say both girls weren’t ready, or you could say both girls were oblivious to each other’s feelings for each other.

    Well we are about to find out, as today was the Friday that would decide how they could handle their relationship.

    They had been waiting for the Friday for the past three weeks, and it was finally here, they just had to make it through the movie, and they were home free, well until they decided to do, that is if, they decide to actually do anything.

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