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    The Group – (Chapter: Lets meet the truth or dare game [Chapter 6])

    “Or more like this?” She grabbed the back of the brunette’s head as they crashed lips, tongues fought, and saliva was swapped. Passion was released, emotions were let out, and feelings were felt. Right up until the last second before the blonde pulled away and smiled.

    “Or was it like this?” She said as she licked the side of Ashley’s face, making Ashley quickly wipe away the saliva trail that was on her cheek.

    “Well I kissed you like the second one, but you kissed like the third one, all sloppily and stuff” Ashley smiled again, finally a smart remark from the brunette; she hadn’t had one the whole day.

    “Ow, that hurt” Spencer mocked hurt, as she grabbed her heart. And soon they were both giggling, just like old times, but this time it was different, yes, that made absolutely no sense.

    “Want me to kiss it and make it better?” Ashley blurted out, crap, she had only meant to think that, but it just came out.

    “Yes” Spencer responded also too quickly. Both girls soon blushed, followed by Ashley scooting closer to Spencer and barely whispering into the girl’s ear.

    “Where does it hurt?” Spencer felt he chills down her spine, as she tried to find her voice, Ashley for some strange reason had the power to make Spencer lose her voice, I know weird.

    “Here” She pointed at her nose, and Ashley within seconds kissed the tip of the girl’s nose and it was so slow, and so sweet, she soon regretted not telling her that her lips hurt.

    “My cheek hurts” Ashley said as she turned to the side so Spencer had no difficulty in kissing her cheek. Spencer leaned in as she placed her lips on Ashley’s cheeks, and then, blew a raspberry. Yes, she did.

    “See, I told you that you kiss all sloppily and stuff.” Ashley said as she once again cleaned her cheek with the sleeve of her shirt. All Spencer could do was sit there and laugh, laugh, and laugh. The girl’s reaction was priceless; it was cute, funny, and cute; especially cute.

    Eventually the laughter died down on Spencer’s part, as Ashley just stared at her, truly entranced by the blonde’s beauty. She just sat there watching her, it wasn’t at all uncomfortable for the blonde, but it was just, weird, and there was really no other way to explain it. It was as if the brunette was in her own world, just looking at Spencer.

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    1. wow that was great! hmmm i thought you were a girl too lol. i don’t know any guys really who are into writing about spashley well. i’m straight too and i love this story and spashley.can’t wait for the next update!pms!!!

    2. wow that was great! hmmm i thought you were a girl too lol. i don’t know any guys really who are into writing about spashley well. i’m straight too and i love this story and spashley.can’t wait for the next update!pms!!!

    3. wow that was great! hmmm i thought you were a girl too lol. i don’t know any guys really who are into writing about spashley well. i’m straight too and i love this story and spashley.can’t wait for the next update!pms!!!

    4. wow that was great! hmmm i thought you were a girl too lol. i don’t know any guys really who are into writing about spashley well. i’m straight too and i love this story and spashley.can’t wait for the next update!pms!!!

    5. wow that was great! hmmm i thought you were a girl too lol. i don’t know any guys really who are into writing about spashley well. i’m straight too and i love this story and spashley.can’t wait for the next update!pms!!!

    6. wow that was great! hmmm i thought you were a girl too lol. i don’t know any guys really who are into writing about spashley well. i’m straight too and i love this story and spashley.can’t wait for the next update!pms!!!

    7. wow that was great! hmmm i thought you were a girl too lol. i don’t know any guys really who are into writing about spashley well. i’m straight too and i love this story and spashley.can’t wait for the next update!pms!!!

    8. wow that was great! hmmm i thought you were a girl too lol. i don’t know any guys really who are into writing about spashley well. i’m straight too and i love this story and spashley.can’t wait for the next update!pms!!!

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