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    The Group – (Chapter: Lets meet the truth or dare game [Chapter 6])

    She got up and started pacing the room, thinking, as the brunette’s eyes just followed her, the only thing running through Ashley’s mind was that she finally got to taste those luscious lips, and god, they were better than she imagined.

    The blonde just continued pacing, thinking of how to word what she wanted to say, she didn’t just want to come out and say it, it had to be cleverly said, for some strange reason, because screaming kiss me just didn’t seem appropriate.

    God, what Ashley wouldn’t do just to taste those lips again, it ad only been like 3 minutes, but that was too long, she soon started to think if they could have some sort of lip surgery, to attach them surgically at the lips. No, that would probably hurt, and how would they move around, they would have to go everywhere together, and not that she minded it, but everywhere together would soon get tiring. She had to think of something else, how to be able to kiss those lips whenever she wanted. Maybe asking Spencer to cut them off, no, why was she thinking about such stupid ideas, something was wrong, something a taste of Spencer’s lips couldn’t help, god, she had to clear her mind, but how to ask if she could kiss her again.

    “Kiss Me” Spencer said. Not being able to think of another way to ask the brunette to kiss her, so the straightforward approach would have to work.

    ”Shit, you don’t have to tell me twice” That was all the invitation she needed, as the brunette jumped off the couch tackling the blonde to the ground, their lips meeting on the way down, as they kissed, the kissing getting so much better as the time passed. Tongue’s fighting more dominantly, and bruised lips soon to come.

    The kiss could’ve lasted for years; it could’ve lasted months, maybe even days, But it most likely lasted just a couple seconds, but it could’ve won the best kiss ever award. All things must come to an end, as they parted lips, both having eyes shut as they could still taste each other.

    “Truth or Dare” The brunette asked, it was random, but the brunette was usually random.

    “Truth” She responded, quite confident.

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    1. wow that was great! hmmm i thought you were a girl too lol. i don’t know any guys really who are into writing about spashley well. i’m straight too and i love this story and spashley.can’t wait for the next update!pms!!!

    2. wow that was great! hmmm i thought you were a girl too lol. i don’t know any guys really who are into writing about spashley well. i’m straight too and i love this story and spashley.can’t wait for the next update!pms!!!

    3. wow that was great! hmmm i thought you were a girl too lol. i don’t know any guys really who are into writing about spashley well. i’m straight too and i love this story and spashley.can’t wait for the next update!pms!!!

    4. wow that was great! hmmm i thought you were a girl too lol. i don’t know any guys really who are into writing about spashley well. i’m straight too and i love this story and spashley.can’t wait for the next update!pms!!!

    5. wow that was great! hmmm i thought you were a girl too lol. i don’t know any guys really who are into writing about spashley well. i’m straight too and i love this story and spashley.can’t wait for the next update!pms!!!

    6. wow that was great! hmmm i thought you were a girl too lol. i don’t know any guys really who are into writing about spashley well. i’m straight too and i love this story and spashley.can’t wait for the next update!pms!!!

    7. wow that was great! hmmm i thought you were a girl too lol. i don’t know any guys really who are into writing about spashley well. i’m straight too and i love this story and spashley.can’t wait for the next update!pms!!!

    8. wow that was great! hmmm i thought you were a girl too lol. i don’t know any guys really who are into writing about spashley well. i’m straight too and i love this story and spashley.can’t wait for the next update!pms!!!

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