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    The Group – (Chapter: Lets meet the truth or dare game [Chapter 6])

    Ashley thought about it for second. What could she possibly ask that she didn’t already know? They could go on the newly wed game and win; they literally knew everything about the other.

    “On a scale from 1 to 10” She started, thinking how to word it.

    “How good of a kisser am I?” She finished her thought. Looking at the blonde turning that red again, you really have no idea how cute she really was when those cheeks turned that shade of red.

    “10” She whispered the answer, so low that she didn’t know if the brunette had heard her. Of course she did though, but she wanted to hear it again.

    “How good?” She asked again, lifting Spencer’s face with her fingers.

    “20” She changed her answer, 10 wasn’t enough to explain how good of a kisser Ashley was, there was really no way to explain how those lips took charge of her own, and how that tongue could massaged hers.

    “Better than what’s-his-face” Ashley asked. Of course you could think she was talking about any of the guys that Spencer had kissed, but Spencer knew who exactly she was talking about.

    “Better than all of them put together” Spencer said as a huge grin spread on the brunettes face. She jumped on top of the blonde and kissed her again, this was great. Being able to kiss her whenever she wanted, whenever she pleased, she knew she would never get tired of those lips; they were so warm and sweet.

    Ashley pulled away, pulling that bottom lip with her on the way back to her side of the couch. The blonde whimpered a sexy whimper of course. As Ashley went back to her side, Spencer spoke.

    “Truth or Dare” She asked.

    “Dare” Ashley had never backed down from a challenge; and she wasn’t about to start now. She was a risk taker, well for most things, actually pretty much everything, except love that is.

    Spencer smiled, she knew the girl wouldn’t turn down a dare, she loved to be risky, and she had the perfect dare. Ashley saw the girl smile, and she knew what Spencer was about to ask her to do.

    “No” She said as son as she saw that evil grin on Spencer’s face.

    “I choose truth, no dare” She begged the girl in front of her. She forgot that Spencer had been trying to get the girl to do that one thing she hates most.

    “No, too late, you chose dare” Spencer kept that smile.

    “You know what to do” She said as she pointed towards the girls walk in closet.

    “Crap” Ashley said as she got up and walked in the closet.

    Spencer just kept that stupid smile on her face. This was going to be great.

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    1. wow that was great! hmmm i thought you were a girl too lol. i don’t know any guys really who are into writing about spashley well. i’m straight too and i love this story and spashley.can’t wait for the next update!pms!!!

    2. wow that was great! hmmm i thought you were a girl too lol. i don’t know any guys really who are into writing about spashley well. i’m straight too and i love this story and spashley.can’t wait for the next update!pms!!!

    3. wow that was great! hmmm i thought you were a girl too lol. i don’t know any guys really who are into writing about spashley well. i’m straight too and i love this story and spashley.can’t wait for the next update!pms!!!

    4. wow that was great! hmmm i thought you were a girl too lol. i don’t know any guys really who are into writing about spashley well. i’m straight too and i love this story and spashley.can’t wait for the next update!pms!!!

    5. wow that was great! hmmm i thought you were a girl too lol. i don’t know any guys really who are into writing about spashley well. i’m straight too and i love this story and spashley.can’t wait for the next update!pms!!!

    6. wow that was great! hmmm i thought you were a girl too lol. i don’t know any guys really who are into writing about spashley well. i’m straight too and i love this story and spashley.can’t wait for the next update!pms!!!

    7. wow that was great! hmmm i thought you were a girl too lol. i don’t know any guys really who are into writing about spashley well. i’m straight too and i love this story and spashley.can’t wait for the next update!pms!!!

    8. wow that was great! hmmm i thought you were a girl too lol. i don’t know any guys really who are into writing about spashley well. i’m straight too and i love this story and spashley.can’t wait for the next update!pms!!!

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