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    The Married Life

    Carlin-Davies House:

    Spencer: Ash, are you coming to bed soon?

    Ashley: Yea, Baby I just want to check my email. I’ll be right in!! Hey Babe you have a email here from Clay and Chelsea.

    Spencer: Okay I’ll be there in a minute.

    As she slides off the bed to stand up she realized she suddenly felt wet she looks down.

    Spencer: Oh my God.

    Ashley: Spence are you okay.

    Spencer:Just get in here please.

    Ashley rushes into the bedroom

    Ashley: what’s wro-

    Shes cut off by the sight of Spencer frozen in the middle of the room.

    Ashley: oh my gosh honey are you okay?

    Spencer: not really I’m little wet.

    Ashley:Let’s get you into some dry clothes baby and then I will call the doctor.

    Spencer: okay

    Ashley: now sit on the bed and I will get the bag.

    Ashley picks up the phone to call the doctor.

    Ashley:Hello doctor call Spencer and I are on our way to the hospital her water broke 15 mins ago.

    Dr. Hall: Okay Mrs. Davies I will meet you there.

    Ashley hangs up and walks in to the room and grabs Spencer’s bag,the baby bag. Then reaches out and grabs Spencer hand and leads her to the SUV.

    Spencer: Ashley it hurts so bad.

    Ashley: we are almost there i promise .

    {next chapter will involve the hospital and having the baby.}


    1. Oh my God, pms. I’ve been waiting for a really good writer to write about Ash and Spencer having a baby girl. I’m going to be looking out for this story. There’s another one called “Rowan has two mommie’s” but, the author hardly never updates. Please keep going with your story;)

    2. Oh my God, pms. I’ve been waiting for a really good writer to write about Ash and Spencer having a baby girl. I’m going to be looking out for this story. There’s another one called “Rowan has two mommie’s” but, the author hardly never updates. Please keep going with your story;)

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