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    The Master School – (Chapter: 1)


    She stood there a thoughtful look on her face before saying simply, "No," and turned around to stroll into her room.


    "Oh thanks! I can really feel the love Jules!" I yelled to her as she closed her door behind her leaving me to talk to her ‘Save the Whales’ poster. I grunted and reached over to turn on the TV not surprised that it was set on the ‘National Geographic’  channel. "That girl need to find better things to do." I switched the channel to MTV and was in the middle of making fun of Britney Spears for going commando when a loud knock came from the front door.


    "Come in!" I screamed. The door opened and two energetic boys bounded in. I acknowledge each of them with a smile and a wave, "Dave. Darren."


    "Hey Spence!" the two boys replied in unison their voices identical. In fact everything about them was identical. I only know the difference between them because I’ve known them for most of my life. Their shaggy heads of raven colored hair fell across their facial features but even the hair couldn’t hide their stunning ocean blue eyes. Even I have to admit they are gorgeous! If you don’t know the twins you would be confused and always mix up the two but if you are an old veteran like me after awhile you begin to notice the small differences. For example Darren squints his eyes when he smiles and shows off his beautiful teeth. Dave on the other hand always smiles with his mouth closed and his lips twitch when he is annoyed. 


    "We were wondering–"


    "If you are doing anything?" Another trait is that the pair are always finishing off each other’s sentences. It can get annoying sometimes but you learn to deal with it.


    "No…just bored. Why?" I asked noticing the mischevious glint in both boys’ eyes.


    "Because," Darren replied loftily, "we happen to have the perfect thing for a wallowing single woman like yourself…"


    "And this time we promise you she won’t cost a thing, "Dave winked and I shuddered remembering the time the twins had ordered me a stripper. That wouldn’t be such a bad thing if the stripper hadn’t been butt ugly.

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